cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.16) project(VMBoxGen VERSION 1.0) # Put CMake targets (ALL_BUILD/ZERO_CHECK) into a folder set_property(GLOBAL PROPERTY USE_FOLDERS ON) # compile vmTest file(GLOB_RECURSE VMTESTSOURCE ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/src/**.c) add_executable(VMBoxGen ${VMTESTSOURCE}) target_link_libraries(VMBoxGen PUBLIC LaikaLib) # add the 'DEBUG' preprocessor definition if we're compiling as Debug target_compile_definitions(VMBoxGen PUBLIC "$<$:DEBUG>") # generate the VMBOXCONFIG file if(LAIKA_OBFUSCATE) add_custom_command(TARGET VMBoxGen POST_BUILD DEPENDS VMBoxGen COMMAND VMBoxGen ${LAIKA_VMBOXCONFIG} COMMENT "Generating VMBox data & keys..." ) endif ()