
96 lines
2.9 KiB

#ifndef COSMOVM_H
#define COSMOVM_H
#include <string.h>
#include "cosmo.h"
#include "cstate.h"
if undefined, the stack will not be checked for stack overflows. This may improve performance, however
this will produce undefined behavior as you reach the stack limit (and may cause a seg fault!). It is recommended to keep this enabled.
#define SAFE_STACK
typedef enum {
// args = # of pass parameters, nresults = # of expected results
COSMO_API COSMOVMRESULT cosmoV_call(CState *state, int args, int nresults);
COSMO_API void cosmoV_makeObject(CState *state, int pairs);
COSMO_API void cosmoV_makeDictionary(CState *state, int pairs);
COSMO_API bool cosmoV_getObject(CState *state, CObjObject *object, CValue key, CValue *val);
COSMO_API void cosmoV_concat(CState *state, int vals);
COSMO_API void cosmoV_pushFString(CState *state, const char *format, ...);
COSMO_API void cosmoV_error(CState *state, const char *format, ...);
// nice to have wrappers
// pushes value to the stack
static inline void cosmoV_pushValue(CState *state, CValue val) {
ptrdiff_t stackSize = state->top - state->stack;
// we reserve 8 slots for the error string and whatever c api we might be in
if (stackSize >= STACK_MAX - 8) {
if (state->panic) { // we're in a panic state, let the 8 reserved slots be filled
if (stackSize < STACK_MAX)
*(state->top++) = val;
cosmoV_error(state, "Stack overflow!");
*(state->top++) = val;
// sets stack->top to stack->top - indx
static inline StkPtr cosmoV_setTop(CState *state, int indx) {
state->top -= indx;
return state->top;
// returns stack->top - indx - 1
static inline StkPtr cosmoV_getTop(CState *state, int indx) {
return &state->top[-(indx + 1)];
// pops 1 value off the stack
static inline StkPtr cosmoV_pop(CState *state) {
return cosmoV_setTop(state, 1);
// pushes a cosmo_Number to the stack
static inline void cosmoV_pushNumber(CState *state, cosmo_Number num) {
cosmoV_pushValue(state, cosmoV_newNumber(num));
// pushes a boolean to the stack
static inline void cosmoV_pushBoolean(CState *state, bool b) {
cosmoV_pushValue(state, cosmoV_newBoolean(b));
// pushes a C Function to the stack
static inline void cosmoV_pushCFunction(CState *state, CosmoCFunction func) {
cosmoV_pushValue(state, cosmoV_newObj(cosmoO_newCFunction(state, func)));
static inline void cosmoV_pushLString(CState *state, const char *str, size_t len) {
cosmoV_pushValue(state, cosmoV_newObj(cosmoO_copyString(state, str, len)));
// accepts a null terminated string and copys the buffer to the VM heap
static inline void cosmoV_pushString(CState *state, const char *str) {
cosmoV_pushLString(state, str, strlen(str));