
298 lines
8.4 KiB

#include "ctable.h"
#include "cmem.h"
#include "cobj.h"
#include "cvalue.h"
#include <string.h>
#define MAX_TABLE_FILL 0.75
// at 30% capacity with capacity > ARRAY_START, shrink the array
// bit-twiddling hacks, gets the next power of 2
static unsigned int nextPow2(unsigned int x)
if (x <= ARRAY_START - 1)
return ARRAY_START; // sanity check
int power = 2;
while (x >>= 1)
power <<= 1;
if (power < ARRAY_START)
return power;
void cosmoT_initTable(CState *state, CTable *tbl, int startCap)
startCap = startCap != 0 ? startCap : ARRAY_START; // sanity check :P
tbl->capacityMask = startCap - 1;
tbl->count = 0;
tbl->tombstones = 0;
tbl->tombThreshold = 32;
tbl->table = NULL; // to let out GC know we're initalizing
tbl->table = cosmoM_xmalloc(state, sizeof(CTableEntry) * startCap);
// init everything to NIL
for (int i = 0; i < startCap; i++) {
tbl->table[i].key = cosmoV_newNil();
tbl->table[i].val = cosmoV_newNil();
void cosmoT_addTable(CState *state, CTable *from, CTable *to)
CTableEntry *entry;
int cap = cosmoT_getCapacity(from);
for (int i = 0; i < cap; i++) {
entry = &from->table[i];
if (!(IS_NIL(entry->key))) {
*cosmoT_insert(state, to, entry->key) = entry->val;
void cosmoT_clearTable(CState *state, CTable *tbl)
cosmoM_freeArray(state, CTableEntry, tbl->table, cosmoT_getCapacity(tbl));
static uint32_t getObjectHash(CObj *obj)
switch (obj->type) {
return ((CObjString *)obj)->hash;
return (uint32_t)((CObjCFunction *)obj)->cfunc;
return (uint32_t)obj; // just "hash" the pointer
static uint32_t getValueHash(CValue *val)
switch (GET_TYPE(*val)) {
return getObjectHash(cosmoV_readRef(*val));
uint32_t buf[sizeof(cosmo_Number) / sizeof(uint32_t)];
cosmo_Number num = cosmoV_readNumber(*val);
if (num == 0)
return 0;
memcpy(buf, &num, sizeof(buf));
for (size_t i = 0; i < sizeof(cosmo_Number) / sizeof(uint32_t); i++) {
buf[0] += buf[i];
return buf[0];
// TODO: add support for other types
return 0;
// mask should always be (capacity - 1)
static CTableEntry *findEntry(CState *state, CTableEntry *entries, int mask, CValue key)
uint32_t hash = getValueHash(&key);
uint32_t indx = hash & mask; // since we know the capacity will *always* be a power of 2, we can
// use bitwise & to perform a MUCH faster mod operation
CTableEntry *tomb = NULL;
// keep looking for an open slot in the entries array
while (true) {
CTableEntry *entry = &entries[indx];
if (IS_NIL(entry->key)) {
// check if it's an empty bucket or a tombstone
if (IS_NIL(entry->val)) {
// it's empty! if we found a tombstone, return that so it'll be reused
return tomb != NULL ? tomb : entry;
// its a tombstone!
tomb = entry;
} else if (cosmoV_equal(state, entry->key, key)) {
return entry;
indx = (indx + 1) & mask; // fast mod here too
static void resizeTbl(CState *state, CTable *tbl, int newCapacity, bool canShrink)
if (canShrink && cosmoT_checkShrink(state, tbl))
size_t size = sizeof(CTableEntry) * newCapacity;
int cachedCount = tbl->count;
int newCount, oldCap;
cosmoM_checkGarbage(state, size); // if this allocation would cause a GC, run the GC
if (tbl->count < cachedCount) // the GC removed some objects from this table and resized it,
// ignore our resize event!
CTableEntry *entries = cosmoM_xmalloc(state, size);
oldCap = cosmoT_getCapacity(tbl);
newCount = 0;
// set all nodes as NIL : NIL
for (int i = 0; i < newCapacity; i++) {
entries[i].key = cosmoV_newNil();
entries[i].val = cosmoV_newNil();
// move over old values to the new buffer
for (int i = 0; i < oldCap; i++) {
CTableEntry *oldEntry = &tbl->table[i];
if (IS_NIL(oldEntry->key))
continue; // skip empty keys
// get new entry location & update the node
CTableEntry *newEntry = findEntry(state, entries, newCapacity - 1, oldEntry->key);
newEntry->key = oldEntry->key;
newEntry->val = oldEntry->val;
newCount++; // inc count
// free the old table
cosmoM_freeArray(state, CTableEntry, tbl->table, oldCap);
tbl->table = entries;
tbl->capacityMask = newCapacity - 1;
tbl->count = newCount;
tbl->tombstones = 0;
bool cosmoT_checkShrink(CState *state, CTable *tbl)
// if count > 8 and active entries < tombstones
if (tbl->count > MIN_TABLE_CAPACITY &&
(tbl->count - tbl->tombstones < tbl->tombstones || tbl->tombstones > tbl->tombThreshold)) {
// shrink based on active entries to the next pow of 2
resizeTbl(state, tbl, nextPow2(tbl->count - tbl->tombstones) * GROW_FACTOR, false);
tbl->tombThreshold = tbl->count / 4;
return true;
return false;
// returns a pointer to the allocated value
COSMO_API CValue *cosmoT_insert(CState *state, CTable *tbl, CValue key)
// make sure we have enough space allocated
int cap = cosmoT_getCapacity(tbl);
if (tbl->count + 1 > (int)(cap * MAX_TABLE_FILL)) {
// grow table
int newCap = cap * GROW_FACTOR;
resizeTbl(state, tbl, newCap, true);
// insert into the table
CTableEntry *entry = findEntry(state, tbl->table, tbl->capacityMask, key);
if (IS_NIL(entry->key)) {
if (IS_NIL(entry->val)) // is it empty?
else // it's a tombstone, mark it alive!
entry->key = key;
return &entry->val;
bool cosmoT_get(CState *state, CTable *tbl, CValue key, CValue *val)
// sanity check
if (tbl->count == 0) {
*val = cosmoV_newNil();
return false;
CTableEntry *entry = findEntry(state, tbl->table, tbl->capacityMask, key);
*val = entry->val;
// return if get was successful
return !(IS_NIL(entry->key));
bool cosmoT_remove(CState *state, CTable *tbl, CValue key)
if (tbl->count == 0)
return 0; // sanity check
CTableEntry *entry = findEntry(state, tbl->table, tbl->capacityMask, key);
if (IS_NIL(entry->key)) // sanity check
return false;
// crafts tombstone
entry->key = cosmoV_newNil(); // this has to be nil
entry->val =
cosmoV_newBoolean(false); // doesn't really matter what this is, as long as it isn't nil
return true;
// returns the active entry count
COSMO_API int cosmoT_count(CTable *tbl)
return tbl->count - tbl->tombstones;
CObjString *cosmoT_lookupString(CTable *tbl, const char *str, int length, uint32_t hash)
if (tbl->count == 0)
return 0; // sanity check
// since we know the capacity will *always* be a power of 2, we
// can use bitwise & to perform a MUCH faster mod operation
uint32_t indx = hash & tbl->capacityMask;
// keep looking for an open slot in the entries array
while (true) {
CTableEntry *entry = &tbl->table[indx];
// check if it's an empty slot (meaning we dont have it in the table)
if (IS_NIL(entry->key) && IS_NIL(entry->val)) {
return NULL;
} else if (IS_STRING(entry->key) && cosmoV_readString(entry->key)->length == length &&
memcmp(cosmoV_readString(entry->key)->str, str, length) == 0) {
// it's a match!
return (CObjString *)cosmoV_readRef(entry->key);
indx = (indx + 1) & tbl->capacityMask; // fast mod here too
// for debugging purposes
void cosmoT_printTable(CTable *tbl, const char *name)
printf("==== [[%s]] ====\n", name);
int cap = cosmoT_getCapacity(tbl);
for (int i = 0; i < cap; i++) {
CTableEntry *entry = &tbl->table[i];
if (!(IS_NIL(entry->key))) {
printf(" - ");