#include "cbaselib.h" #include "cvm.h" #include "cvalue.h" #include "cobj.h" #include "cmem.h" void cosmoB_loadLibrary(CState *state) { cosmoM_freezeGC(state); cosmoV_register(state, "print", cosmoV_newObj(cosmoO_newCFunction(state, cosmoB_print))); cosmoV_register(state, "foreach", cosmoV_newObj(cosmoO_newCFunction(state, cosmoB_foreach))); cosmoM_unfreezeGC(state); } int cosmoB_print(CState *state, int nargs, CValue *args) { for (int i = 0; i < nargs; i++) { CObjString *str = cosmoV_toString(state, args[i]); printf("%s", cosmoO_readCString(str)); } printf("\n"); return 0; // print doesn't return any args } int cosmoB_foreach(CState *state, int nargs, CValue *args) { if (nargs != 2) { cosmoV_error(state, "foreach() expected 2 parameters, got %d!", nargs); return 0; } if (!IS_DICT(args[0])) { cosmoV_error(state, "foreach() expected first parameter to be , got %s!", cosmoV_typeStr(args[0])); return 0; } if (!IS_CALLABLE(args[1])) { cosmoV_error(state, "foreach() expected second parameter to be callable, got %s!", cosmoV_typeStr(args[1])); return 0; } // loop through dictionary table, calling args[1] on active entries CObjDict *dict = (CObjDict*)cosmoV_readObj(args[0]); for (int i = 0; i < dict->tbl.capacity; i++) { CTableEntry *entry = &dict->tbl.table[i]; if (!IS_NIL(entry->key)) { // push key & value, then call args[1] cosmoV_pushValue(state, args[1]); cosmoV_pushValue(state, entry->key); cosmoV_pushValue(state, entry->val); cosmoV_call(state, 2, 0); } } return 0; } int cosmoB_dsetProto(CState *state, int nargs, CValue *args) { if (nargs == 2) { CObjObject *obj = cosmoV_readObject(args[0]); // object to set proto too CObjObject *proto = cosmoV_readObject(args[1]); obj->proto = proto; // boom done } else { cosmoV_error(state, "Expected 2 parameters, got %d!", nargs); } return 0; // nothing } int cosmoB_dgetProto(CState *state, int nargs, CValue *args) { if (nargs != 1) { cosmoV_error(state, "Expected 1 parameter, got %d!", nargs); } cosmoV_pushValue(state, cosmoV_newObj(cosmoV_readObject(args[0])->proto)); // just return the proto return 1; // 1 result } void cosmoB_loadDebug(CState *state) { // make __getter object for debug proto cosmoV_pushString(state, "__getter"); // key & value pair cosmoV_pushString(state, "__proto"); // key cosmoV_pushCFunction(state, cosmoB_dgetProto); // value cosmoV_makeObject(state, 1); // make __setter object cosmoV_pushString(state, "__setter"); cosmoV_pushString(state, "__proto"); cosmoV_pushCFunction(state, cosmoB_dsetProto); cosmoV_makeObject(state, 1); // we call makeObject leting it know there are 2 sets of key & value pairs on the stack cosmoV_makeObject(state, 2); // set debug proto to the debug object state->protoObj = cosmoV_readObject(*cosmoV_pop(state)); }