let strtable = [] let strLen = 4 // length of all strings to generate let AByte = "A":byte() // grabs the ascii value of 'A' proto stringBuilder func __init(self, length) self.len = length end // we are the iterator object lol func __iter(self) self.x = 0 return self end func __next(self) let x = self.x++ // if we've generated all the possible strings, return nil ending the loop if x >= 26 ^ self.len then return nil end // generate the string let str = "" for (let i = 0; i < self.len; i++) do str = string.char(AByte + (x % 26)) .. str x = math.floor(x / 26) end return str end end // generate a bunch of strings & populate the table print("generating " .. 26 ^ strLen .. " strings...") for str in stringBuilder(strLen) do strtable[str] = true end