#include "cvm.h" #include "cstate.h" #include "cdebug.h" #include "cmem.h" #include #include void cosmoV_error(CState *state, const char *format, ...) { if (state->panic) return; // print stack trace for (int i = 0; i < state->frameCount; i++) { CCallFrame *frame = &state->callFrame[i]; CObjFunction *function = frame->closure->function; CChunk *chunk = &function->chunk; int line = chunk->lineInfo[frame->pc - chunk->buf - 1]; if (i == state->frameCount - 1) { // it's the last call frame, prepare for the objection to be printed fprintf(stderr, "Objection in %.*s on [line %d] in ", function->module->length, function->module->str, line); if (function->name == NULL) { // unnamed chunk fprintf(stderr, "%s\n\t", UNNAMEDCHUNK); } else { fprintf(stderr, "%.*s()\n\t", function->name->length, function->name->str); } } else { fprintf(stderr, "[line %d] in ", line); if (function->name == NULL) { // unnamed chunk fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", UNNAMEDCHUNK); } else { fprintf(stderr, "%.*s()\n", function->name->length, function->name->str); } } } va_list args; va_start(args, format); vfprintf(stderr, format, args); va_end(args); fputs("\n", stderr); // TODO: push error onto the stack :P state->panic = true; cosmoV_printStack(state); } CObjUpval *captureUpvalue(CState *state, CValue *local) { CObjUpval *prev = NULL; CObjUpval *upvalue = state->openUpvalues; while (upvalue != NULL && upvalue->val > local) { // while upvalue exists and is higher on the stack than local prev = upvalue; upvalue = upvalue->next; } if (upvalue != NULL && upvalue->val == local) { // we found the local we were going to capture return upvalue; } CObjUpval *newUpval = cosmoO_newUpvalue(state, local); newUpval->next = upvalue; // the list is sorted, so insert it at our found upvalue if (prev == NULL) { state->openUpvalues = newUpval; } else { prev->next = newUpval; } return newUpval; } void closeUpvalues(CState *state, CValue *local) { while (state->openUpvalues != NULL && state->openUpvalues->val >= local) { // for every upvalue that points to the local or anything above it CObjUpval *upvalue = state->openUpvalues; upvalue->closed = *upvalue->val; upvalue->val = &upvalue->closed; // upvalue now points to itself :P state->openUpvalues = upvalue->next; } } void pushCallFrame(CState *state, CObjClosure *closure, int args) { CCallFrame *frame = &state->callFrame[state->frameCount++]; frame->base = state->top - args - 1; // - 1 for the function frame->pc = closure->function->chunk.buf; frame->closure = closure; } // offset is the offset of the callframe base we set the state->top back too (useful for passing values in the stack as arguments, like methods) void popCallFrame(CState *state, int offset) { closeUpvalues(state, state->callFrame[state->frameCount - 1].base); // close any upvalue still open state->top = state->callFrame[state->frameCount - 1].base + offset; // resets the stack state->frameCount--; } CObjString *cosmoV_concat(CState *state, CObjString *strA, CObjString *strB) { size_t sz = strA->length + strB->length; char *buf = cosmoM_xmalloc(state, sz + 1); // +1 for null terminator memcpy(buf, strA->str, strA->length); memcpy(buf + strA->length, strB->str, strB->length); buf[sz] = '\0'; return cosmoO_takeString(state, buf, sz); } int cosmoV_execute(CState *state); static inline void callCFunction(CState *state, CosmoCFunction cfunc, int args, int nresults, int offset) { StkPtr savedBase = cosmoV_getTop(state, args); cosmoM_freezeGC(state); // we don't want a GC event during c api because we don't actually trust the user to know how to evade the GC int nres = cfunc(state, args, savedBase + 1); cosmoM_unfreezeGC(state); if (nres > nresults) // caller function wasn't expecting this many return values, cap it nres = nresults; // remember where the return values are CValue* results = cosmoV_getTop(state, nres-1); state->top = savedBase + offset; // set stack // push the return value back onto the stack memcpy(state->top, results, sizeof(CValue) * nres); // copies the return values to the top of the stack state->top += nres; // and make sure to move state->top to match // now, if the caller function expected more return values, push nils onto the stack for (int i = nres; i < nresults; i++) cosmoV_pushValue(state, cosmoV_newNil()); } bool call(CState *state, CObjClosure *closure, int args, int nresults, int offset) { // missmatched args, thats an obvious user error, so error. if (args != closure->function->args) { cosmoV_error(state, "Expected %d parameters for %s, got %d!", closure->function->args, closure->function->name == NULL ? UNNAMEDCHUNK : closure->function->name->str, args); return false; } // load function into callframe pushCallFrame(state, closure, closure->function->args); // execute int nres = cosmoV_execute(state); if (nres == -1) // panic state return false; if (nres > nresults) // caller function wasn't expecting this many return values, cap it nres = nresults; // remember where the return values are CValue* results = cosmoV_getTop(state, nres-1); // pop the callframe and return results :) popCallFrame(state, offset); // push the return value back onto the stack memcpy(state->top, results, sizeof(CValue) * nres); // copies the return values to the top of the stack state->top += nres; // and make sure to move state->top to match // now, if the caller function expected more return values, push nils onto the stack for (int i = nres; i < nresults; i++) cosmoV_pushValue(state, cosmoV_newNil()); return true; } bool invokeMethod(CState* state, CObjObject *obj, CValue func, int args, int nresults, int offset) { // first, set the first argument to the object StkPtr temp = cosmoV_getTop(state, args); *temp = cosmoV_newObj(obj); if (IS_CFUNCTION(func)) { callCFunction(state, cosmoV_readCFunction(func), args+1, nresults, offset); } else if (IS_CLOSURE(func)) { call(state, cosmoV_readClosure(func), args+1, nresults, offset); // offset = 1 so our stack is properly reset } else { cosmoV_error(state, "Cannot invoke non-function type %s!", cosmoV_typeStr(func)); } return true; } // args = # of pass parameters COSMOVMRESULT cosmoV_call(CState *state, int args, int nresults) { StkPtr val = cosmoV_getTop(state, args); // function will always be right above the args if (GET_TYPE(*val) != COSMO_TOBJ) { cosmoV_error(state, "Cannot call non-function type %s!", cosmoV_typeStr(*val)); return COSMOVM_RUNTIME_ERR; } switch (cosmoV_readObj(*val)->type) { case COBJ_CLOSURE: { CObjClosure *closure = (CObjClosure*)cosmoV_readObj(*val); if (!call(state, closure, args, nresults, 0)) { return COSMOVM_RUNTIME_ERR; } break; } case COBJ_METHOD: { CObjMethod *method = (CObjMethod*)cosmoV_readObj(*val); invokeMethod(state, method->obj, method->func, args, nresults, 1); break; } case COBJ_OBJECT: { // object is being instantiated, making another object CObjObject *protoObj = (CObjObject*)cosmoV_readObj(*val); CObjObject *newObj = cosmoO_newObject(state); newObj->proto = protoObj; CValue ret; // check if they defined an initalizer if (cosmoO_getIString(state, protoObj, ISTRING_INIT, &ret)) { invokeMethod(state, newObj, ret, args, nresults, 1); } else { // no default initalizer if (args != 0) { cosmoV_error(state, "Expected 0 parameters, got %d!", args); return COSMOVM_RUNTIME_ERR; } } cosmoV_pop(state); // pops the return value, it's unused cosmoV_pushValue(state, cosmoV_newObj(newObj)); break; } case COBJ_CFUNCTION: { // it's a C function, so call it CosmoCFunction cfunc = ((CObjCFunction*)cosmoV_readObj(*val))->cfunc; callCFunction(state, cfunc, args, nresults, 0); break; } default: cosmoV_error(state, "Cannot call non-function value!"); return COSMOVM_RUNTIME_ERR; } return state->panic ? COSMOVM_RUNTIME_ERR : COSMOVM_OK; } static inline bool isFalsey(StkPtr val) { return IS_NIL(*val) || (IS_BOOLEAN(*val) && !cosmoV_readBoolean(*val)); } COSMO_API void cosmoV_makeObject(CState *state, int pairs) { StkPtr key, val; CObjObject *newObj = cosmoO_newObject(state); cosmoV_pushValue(state, cosmoV_newObj(newObj)); // so our GC doesn't free our new object for (int i = 0; i < pairs; i++) { val = cosmoV_getTop(state, (i*2) + 1); key = cosmoV_getTop(state, (i*2) + 2); // set key/value pair CValue *newVal = cosmoT_insert(state, &newObj->tbl, *key); *newVal = *val; } // once done, pop everything off the stack + push new object cosmoV_setTop(state, (pairs * 2) + 1); // + 1 for our object cosmoV_pushValue(state, cosmoV_newObj(newObj)); } COSMO_API void cosmoV_makeDictionary(CState *state, int pairs) { StkPtr key, val; CObjDict *newObj = cosmoO_newDictionary(state); cosmoV_pushValue(state, cosmoV_newObj(newObj)); // so our GC doesn't free our new dictionary for (int i = 0; i < pairs; i++) { val = cosmoV_getTop(state, (i*2) + 1); key = cosmoV_getTop(state, (i*2) + 2); // set key/value pair CValue *newVal = cosmoT_insert(state, &newObj->tbl, *key); *newVal = *val; } // once done, pop everything off the stack + push new dictionary cosmoV_setTop(state, (pairs * 2) + 1); // + 1 for our dictionary cosmoV_pushValue(state, cosmoV_newObj(newObj)); } COSMO_API bool cosmoV_getObject(CState *state, CObjObject *object, CValue key, CValue *val) { if (cosmoO_getObject(state, object, key, val)) { if (IS_OBJ(*val)) { if (cosmoV_readObj(*val)->type == COBJ_CLOSURE) { // is it a function? if so, make it a method to the current object CObjMethod *method = cosmoO_newMethod(state, (CObjClosure*)cosmoV_readObj(*val), object); *val = cosmoV_newObj(method); } else if (cosmoV_readObj(*val)->type == COBJ_CFUNCTION) { CObjMethod *method = cosmoO_newCMethod(state, (CObjCFunction*)cosmoV_readObj(*val), object); *val = cosmoV_newObj(method); } } return true; } return false; } #define NUMBEROP(typeConst, op) \ StkPtr valA = cosmoV_getTop(state, 1); \ StkPtr valB = cosmoV_getTop(state, 0); \ if (IS_NUMBER(*valA) && IS_NUMBER(*valB)) { \ cosmoV_setTop(state, 2); /* pop the 2 values */ \ cosmoV_pushValue(state, typeConst(cosmoV_readNumber(*valA) op cosmoV_readNumber(*valB))); \ } else { \ cosmoV_error(state, "Expected numbers, got %s and %s!", cosmoV_typeStr(*valA), cosmoV_typeStr(*valB)); \ } \ // returns false if panic int cosmoV_execute(CState *state) { CCallFrame* frame = &state->callFrame[state->frameCount - 1]; // grabs the current frame CValue *constants = frame->closure->function->chunk.constants.values; // cache the pointer :) #define READBYTE() *frame->pc++ #define READUINT() (frame->pc += 2, *(uint16_t*)(&frame->pc[-2])) while (!state->panic) { /*disasmInstr(&frame->closure->function->chunk, frame->pc - frame->closure->function->chunk.buf, 0); printf("\n");*/ switch (READBYTE()) { case OP_LOADCONST: { // push const[uint] to stack uint16_t indx = READUINT(); cosmoV_pushValue(state, constants[indx]); break; } case OP_SETGLOBAL: { uint16_t indx = READUINT(); CValue ident = constants[indx]; // grabs identifier CValue *val = cosmoT_insert(state, &state->globals, ident); *val = *cosmoV_pop(state); // sets the value in the hash table break; } case OP_GETGLOBAL: { uint16_t indx = READUINT(); CValue ident = constants[indx]; // grabs identifier CValue val; // to hold our value cosmoT_get(&state->globals, ident, &val); cosmoV_pushValue(state, val); // pushes the value to the stack break; } case OP_SETLOCAL: { uint8_t indx = READBYTE(); frame->base[indx] = *cosmoV_pop(state); break; } case OP_GETLOCAL: { uint8_t indx = READBYTE(); cosmoV_pushValue(state, frame->base[indx]); break; } case OP_GETUPVAL: { uint8_t indx = READBYTE(); cosmoV_pushValue(state, *frame->closure->upvalues[indx]->val); break; } case OP_SETUPVAL: { uint8_t indx = READBYTE(); *frame->closure->upvalues[indx]->val = *cosmoV_pop(state); break; } case OP_PEJMP: { // pop equality jump uint16_t offset = READUINT(); if (isFalsey(cosmoV_pop(state))) { // pop, if the condition is false, jump! frame->pc += offset; } break; } case OP_EJMP: { // equality jump uint16_t offset = READUINT(); if (isFalsey(cosmoV_getTop(state, 0))) { // if the condition is false, jump! frame->pc += offset; } break; } case OP_JMP: { // jump uint16_t offset = READUINT(); frame->pc += offset; break; } case OP_JMPBACK: { uint16_t offset = READUINT(); frame->pc -= offset; break; } case OP_POP: { // pops value off the stack cosmoV_setTop(state, READBYTE()); break; } case OP_CALL: { uint8_t args = READBYTE(); uint8_t nres = READBYTE(); COSMOVMRESULT result = cosmoV_call(state, args, nres); if (result != COSMOVM_OK) { return result; } break; } case OP_CLOSURE: { uint16_t index = READUINT(); CObjFunction *func = cosmoV_readFunction(constants[index]); CObjClosure *closure = cosmoO_newClosure(state, func); cosmoV_pushValue(state, cosmoV_newObj((CObj*)closure)); for (int i = 0; i < closure->upvalueCount; i++) { uint8_t encoding = READBYTE(); uint8_t index = READBYTE(); if (encoding == OP_GETUPVAL) { // capture upvalue from current frame's closure closure->upvalues[i] = frame->closure->upvalues[index]; } else { // capture local closure->upvalues[i] = captureUpvalue(state, frame->base + index); } } break; } case OP_CLOSE: { closeUpvalues(state, state->top - 1); cosmoV_pop(state); break; } case OP_NEWDICT: { uint16_t pairs = READUINT(); cosmoV_makeDictionary(state, pairs); break; } case OP_INDEX: { StkPtr key = cosmoV_getTop(state, 0); // key should be the top of the stack StkPtr temp = cosmoV_getTop(state, 1); // after that should be the dictionary // sanity check if (IS_OBJ(*temp)) { CValue val; // to hold our value if (cosmoV_readObj(*temp)->type == COBJ_DICT) { CObjDict *dict = (CObjDict*)cosmoV_readObj(*temp); cosmoT_get(&dict->tbl, *key, &val); } else if (cosmoV_readObj(*temp)->type == COBJ_OBJECT) { // check for __index! CObjObject *object = (CObjObject*)cosmoV_readObj(*temp); if (!cosmoO_indexObject(state, object, *key, &val)) break; } else { cosmoV_error(state, "Couldn't index type %s!", cosmoV_typeStr(*temp)); break; } cosmoV_setTop(state, 2); // pops the object & the key cosmoV_pushValue(state, val); // pushes the field result } else { cosmoV_error(state, "Couldn't index type %s!", cosmoV_typeStr(*temp)); } break; } case OP_NEWINDEX: { StkPtr value = cosmoV_getTop(state, 0); // value is at the top of the stack StkPtr key = cosmoV_getTop(state, 1); StkPtr temp = cosmoV_getTop(state, 2); // object is after the key // sanity check if (IS_OBJ(*temp)) { if (cosmoV_readObj(*temp)->type == COBJ_DICT) { CObjDict *dict = (CObjDict*)cosmoV_readObj(*temp); CValue *newVal = cosmoT_insert(state, &dict->tbl, *key); *newVal = *value; // set the index } else if (cosmoV_readObj(*temp)->type == COBJ_OBJECT) { // check for __newindex! CObjObject *object = (CObjObject*)cosmoV_readObj(*temp); if (!cosmoO_newIndexObject(state, object, *key, *value)) break; } else { cosmoV_error(state, "Couldn't set index with type %s!", cosmoV_typeStr(*temp)); break; } // pop everything off the stack cosmoV_setTop(state, 3); } else { cosmoV_error(state, "Couldn't set index with type %s!", cosmoV_typeStr(*temp)); } break; } case OP_NEWOBJECT: { uint16_t pairs = READUINT(); cosmoV_makeObject(state, pairs); break; } case OP_GETOBJECT: { StkPtr key = cosmoV_getTop(state, 0); // key should be the top of the stack StkPtr temp = cosmoV_getTop(state, 1); // after that should be the object // sanity check if (!IS_OBJ(*temp) || cosmoV_readObj(*temp)->type != COBJ_OBJECT) { cosmoV_error(state, "Couldn't get from type %s!", cosmoV_typeStr(*temp)); break; } CObjObject *object = (CObjObject*)cosmoV_readObj(*temp); CValue val; // to hold our value cosmoV_getObject(state, object, *key, &val); cosmoV_setTop(state, 2); // pops the object & the key cosmoV_pushValue(state, val); // pushes the field result break; } case OP_SETOBJECT: { StkPtr value = cosmoV_getTop(state, 0); // value is at the top of the stack StkPtr key = cosmoV_getTop(state, 1); StkPtr temp = cosmoV_getTop(state, 2); // object is after the key // sanity check if (!IS_OBJ(*temp) || cosmoV_readObj(*temp)->type != COBJ_OBJECT) { cosmoV_error(state, "Couldn't set a field on type %s!", cosmoV_typeStr(*temp)); break; } CObjObject *object = (CObjObject*)cosmoV_readObj(*temp); cosmoO_setObject(state, object, *key, *value); // pop everything off the stack cosmoV_setTop(state, 3); break; } case OP_INVOKE: { // this is an optimization made by the parser, instead of allocating a CObjMethod every time we want to invoke a method, we shrink it down into one minimal instruction! uint8_t args = READBYTE(); uint8_t nres = READBYTE(); StkPtr key = cosmoV_getTop(state, args); // grabs key from stack StkPtr temp = cosmoV_getTop(state, args+1); // grabs object from stack // sanity check if (!IS_OBJ(*temp) || cosmoV_readObj(*temp)->type != COBJ_OBJECT) { cosmoV_error(state, "Couldn't get from non-object type %s!", cosmoV_typeStr(*temp)); break; } CObjObject *object = (CObjObject*)cosmoV_readObj(*temp); CValue val; // to hold our value cosmoO_getObject(state, object, *key, &val); // we use cosmoO_getObject instead of the cosmoV_getObject wrapper so we get the raw value from the object instead of the CObjMethod wrapper // now invoke the method! invokeMethod(state, object, val, args, nres, 0); break; } case OP_ITER: { StkPtr temp = cosmoV_getTop(state, 0); // should be the object/dictionary if (!IS_OBJ(*temp)) { cosmoV_error(state, "Couldn't iterate over non-iterator type %s!", cosmoV_typeStr(*temp)); break; } switch (cosmoV_readObj(*temp)->type) { case COBJ_DICT: { //CObjDict *dict = (CObjDict*)cosmoV_readObj(*temp); // TODO: add cosmoV_makeIter, which will make a dummy iterable object for dictionaries cosmoV_error(state, "unimpl. mass ping cpunch!!!!"); break; } case COBJ_OBJECT: { CObjObject *obj = (CObjObject*)cosmoV_readObj(*temp); CValue val; // grab __iter & call it if (cosmoO_getIString(state, obj, ISTRING_ITER, &val)) { cosmoV_pop(state); // pop the object from the stack cosmoV_pushValue(state, val); cosmoV_pushValue(state, cosmoV_newObj(obj)); cosmoV_call(state, 1, 1); // we expect 1 return value on the stack, the iterable object StkPtr iobj = cosmoV_getTop(state, 0); if (!IS_OBJECT(*iobj)) { cosmoV_error(state, "Expected iterable object! '__iter' returned %s, expected object!", cosmoV_typeStr(*iobj)); break; } CObjObject *obj = (CObjObject*)cosmoV_readObj(*iobj); cosmoV_getObject(state, obj, cosmoV_newObj(state->iStrings[ISTRING_NEXT]), iobj); } else { cosmoV_error(state, "Expected iterable object! '__iter' not defined!"); } break; } default: { cosmoV_error(state, "Couldn't iterate over non-iterator type %s!", cosmoV_typeStr(*temp)); break; } } break; } case OP_NEXT: { uint8_t nresults = READBYTE(); uint16_t jump = READUINT(); StkPtr temp = cosmoV_getTop(state, 0); // we don't actually pop this off the stack if (!IS_METHOD(*temp)) { cosmoV_error(state, "Expected '__next' to be a method, got type %s!", cosmoV_typeStr(*temp)); break; } cosmoV_pushValue(state, *temp); cosmoV_call(state, 0, nresults); if (IS_NIL(*(cosmoV_getTop(state, 0)))) { // __next returned a nil, which means to exit the loop cosmoV_setTop(state, nresults); // pop the return values frame->pc += jump; } break; } case OP_ADD: { // pop 2 values off the stack & try to add them together NUMBEROP(cosmoV_newNumber, +); break; } case OP_SUB: { // pop 2 values off the stack & try to subtracts them NUMBEROP(cosmoV_newNumber, -) break; } case OP_MULT: { // pop 2 values off the stack & try to multiplies them together NUMBEROP(cosmoV_newNumber, *) break; } case OP_DIV: { // pop 2 values off the stack & try to divides them NUMBEROP(cosmoV_newNumber, /) break; } case OP_NOT: { cosmoV_pushBoolean(state, isFalsey(cosmoV_pop(state))); break; } case OP_NEGATE: { // pop 1 value off the stack & try to negate StkPtr val = cosmoV_getTop(state, 0); if (IS_NUMBER(*val)) { cosmoV_pop(state); cosmoV_pushNumber(state, -(cosmoV_readNumber(*val))); } else { cosmoV_error(state, "Expected number, got %s!", cosmoV_typeStr(*val)); } break; } case OP_COUNT: { // pop 1 value off the stack & if it's a dictionary return the ammount of active entries it has StkPtr temp = cosmoV_getTop(state, 0); if (!IS_OBJ(*temp) || cosmoV_readObj(*temp)->type != COBJ_DICT) { cosmoV_error(state, "Expected object, got %s!", cosmoV_typeStr(*temp)); break; } CObjDict *dict = (CObjDict*)cosmoV_readObj(*temp); cosmoV_pop(state); cosmoV_pushNumber(state, cosmoT_count(&dict->tbl)); // pushes the count onto the stack break; } case OP_CONCAT: { uint8_t vals = READBYTE(); StkPtr start = state->top - vals; StkPtr end = cosmoV_getTop(state, 0); CObjString *result = cosmoV_toString(state, *start); for (StkPtr current = start + 1; current <= end; current++) { cosmoV_pushValue(state, cosmoV_newObj(result)); // so our GC can find our current result string CObjString *otherStr = cosmoV_toString(state, *current); cosmoV_pushValue(state, cosmoV_newObj(otherStr)); // also so our GC won't free otherStr result = cosmoV_concat(state, result, otherStr); cosmoV_setTop(state, 2); // pop result & otherStr off the stack } state->top = start; cosmoV_pushValue(state, cosmoV_newObj(result)); break; } case OP_INCLOCAL: { // this leaves the value on the stack int8_t inc = READBYTE() - 128; // ammount we're incrementing by uint8_t indx = READBYTE(); StkPtr val = &frame->base[indx]; // check that it's a number value if (IS_NUMBER(*val)) { cosmoV_pushValue(state, *val); // pushes old value onto the stack :) *val = cosmoV_newNumber(cosmoV_readNumber(*val) + inc); } else { cosmoV_error(state, "Expected number, got %s!", cosmoV_typeStr(*val)); } break; } case OP_INCGLOBAL: { int8_t inc = READBYTE() - 128; // ammount we're incrementing by uint16_t indx = READUINT(); CValue ident = constants[indx]; // grabs identifier CValue *val = cosmoT_insert(state, &state->globals, ident); // check that it's a number value if (IS_NUMBER(*val)) { cosmoV_pushValue(state, *val); // pushes old value onto the stack :) *val = cosmoV_newNumber(cosmoV_readNumber(*val) + inc); } else { cosmoV_error(state, "Expected number, got %s!", cosmoV_typeStr(*val)); } break; } case OP_INCUPVAL: { int8_t inc = READBYTE() - 128; // ammount we're incrementing by uint8_t indx = READBYTE(); CValue *val = frame->closure->upvalues[indx]->val; // check that it's a number value if (IS_NUMBER(*val)) { cosmoV_pushValue(state, *val); // pushes old value onto the stack :) *val = cosmoV_newNumber(cosmoV_readNumber(*val) + inc); } else { cosmoV_error(state, "Expected number, got %s!", cosmoV_typeStr(*val)); } break; } case OP_INCINDEX: { int8_t inc = READBYTE() - 128; // ammount we're incrementing by StkPtr temp = cosmoV_getTop(state, 1); // object should be above the key StkPtr key = cosmoV_getTop(state, 0); // grabs key if (IS_OBJ(*temp)) { if (cosmoV_readObj(*temp)->type == COBJ_DICT) { CObjDict *dict = (CObjDict*)cosmoV_readObj(*temp); CValue *val = cosmoT_insert(state, &dict->tbl, *key); // pops dict & key from stack cosmoV_setTop(state, 2); if (IS_NUMBER(*val)) { cosmoV_pushValue(state, *val); // pushes old value onto the stack :) *val = cosmoV_newNumber(cosmoV_readNumber(*val) + inc); } else { cosmoV_error(state, "Expected number, got %s!", cosmoV_typeStr(*val)); break; } } else if (cosmoV_readObj(*temp)->type == COBJ_OBJECT) { // check for __newindex! CObjObject *object = (CObjObject*)cosmoV_readObj(*temp); CValue val; // call __index if (cosmoO_indexObject(state, object, *key, &val)) { if (IS_NUMBER(val)) { cosmoV_pushValue(state, val); // pushes old value onto the stack :) // call __newindex cosmoO_newIndexObject(state, object, *key, cosmoV_newNumber(cosmoV_readNumber(val) + inc)); } else { cosmoV_error(state, "Expected number, got %s!", cosmoV_typeStr(val)); break; } } } else { cosmoV_error(state, "Couldn't set index with type %s!", cosmoV_typeStr(*temp)); break; } } else { cosmoV_error(state, "Couldn't set index with type %s!", cosmoV_typeStr(*temp)); } break; } case OP_INCOBJECT: { int8_t inc = READBYTE() - 128; // ammount we're incrementing by uint16_t indx = READUINT(); StkPtr temp = cosmoV_getTop(state, 0); // object should be at the top of the stack CValue ident = constants[indx]; // grabs identifier // sanity check if (!IS_OBJ(*temp) || cosmoV_readObj(*temp)->type != COBJ_OBJECT) { cosmoV_error(state, "Couldn't set a field on non-object type %s!", cosmoV_typeStr(*temp)); break; } CObjObject *object = (CObjObject*)cosmoV_readObj(*temp); CValue val; cosmoO_getObject(state, object, ident, &val); // pop the object off the stack cosmoV_pop(state); // check that it's a number value if (IS_NUMBER(val)) { cosmoV_pushValue(state, val); // pushes old value onto the stack :) cosmoO_setObject(state, object, ident, cosmoV_newNumber(cosmoV_readNumber(val) + inc)); } else { cosmoV_error(state, "Expected number, got %s!", cosmoV_typeStr(val)); } break; } case OP_EQUAL: { // pop vals StkPtr valB = cosmoV_pop(state); StkPtr valA = cosmoV_pop(state); // compare & push cosmoV_pushBoolean(state, cosmoV_equal(*valA, *valB)); break; } case OP_GREATER: { NUMBEROP(cosmoV_newBoolean, >) break; } case OP_LESS: { NUMBEROP(cosmoV_newBoolean, <) break; } case OP_GREATER_EQUAL: { NUMBEROP(cosmoV_newBoolean, >=) break; } case OP_LESS_EQUAL: { NUMBEROP(cosmoV_newBoolean, <=) break; } case OP_TRUE: cosmoV_pushBoolean(state, true); break; case OP_FALSE: cosmoV_pushBoolean(state, false); break; case OP_NIL: cosmoV_pushValue(state, cosmoV_newNil()); break; case OP_RETURN: { uint8_t res = READBYTE(); return res; } default: CERROR("unknown opcode!"); exit(0); } //cosmoV_printStack(state); } #undef READBYTE #undef READUINT // we'll only reach this is state->panic is true return -1; } #undef NUMBEROP