#include "cdebug.h" #include "cvalue.h" #include "cobj.h" void printIndent(int indent) { for (int i = 0; i < indent; i++) printf("\t"); } int simpleInstruction(const char *name, int offset) { printf("%s", name); return offset + 1; // consume opcode } int shortOperandInstruction(const char *name, CChunk *chunk, int offset) { printf("%-16s [%03d]", name, readu8Chunk(chunk, offset + 1)); return offset + 2; } int longOperandInstruction(const char *name, CChunk *chunk, int offset) { printf("%-16s [%05d]", name, readu16Chunk(chunk, offset + 1)); return offset + 1 + (sizeof(uint16_t) / sizeof(INSTRUCTION)); } int constInstruction(const char *name, CChunk *chunk, int offset, int indent) { int index = readu16Chunk(chunk, offset + 1); printf("%-16s [%05d] - ", name, index); CValue val = chunk->constants.values[index]; printValue(val); return offset + 1 + (sizeof(uint16_t) / sizeof(INSTRUCTION)); // consume opcode + uint } int ABOperandInstruction(const char *name, CChunk *chunk, int offset) { int args = readu8Chunk(chunk, offset + 1); int nresults = readu8Chunk(chunk, offset + 2); printf("%-16s [%03d] [%03d]", name, args, nresults); return offset + 3; } // public methods in the cdebug.h header void disasmChunk(CChunk *chunk, const char *name, int indent) { printIndent(indent); printf("===[[ %s ]]===\n", name); for (int offset = 0; offset < chunk->count;) { offset = disasmInstr(chunk, offset, indent); printf("\n"); } } int disasmInstr(CChunk *chunk, int offset, int indent) { printIndent(indent); printf("%04d ", offset); INSTRUCTION i = chunk->buf[offset]; int line = chunk->lineInfo[offset]; if (offset > 0 && line == chunk->lineInfo[offset - 1]) { printf(" | "); } else { printf("%4d ", line); } switch (i) { case OP_LOADCONST: return constInstruction("OP_LOADCONST", chunk, offset, indent); case OP_SETGLOBAL: return constInstruction("OP_SETGLOBAL", chunk, offset, indent); case OP_GETGLOBAL: return constInstruction("OP_GETGLOBAL", chunk, offset, indent); case OP_SETLOCAL: return shortOperandInstruction("OP_SETLOCAL", chunk, offset); case OP_GETLOCAL: return shortOperandInstruction("OP_GETLOCAL", chunk, offset); case OP_SETUPVAL: return shortOperandInstruction("OP_SETUPVAL", chunk, offset); case OP_GETUPVAL: return shortOperandInstruction("OP_GETUPVAL", chunk, offset); case OP_PEJMP: return longOperandInstruction("OP_PEJMP", chunk, offset); case OP_EJMP: return longOperandInstruction("OP_EJMP", chunk, offset); case OP_JMP: return longOperandInstruction("OP_JMP", chunk, offset); case OP_JMPBACK: return longOperandInstruction("OP_JMPBACK", chunk, offset); case OP_POP: return shortOperandInstruction("OP_POP", chunk, offset); case OP_CALL: return ABOperandInstruction("OP_CALL", chunk, offset); case OP_CLOSURE: { int index = readu16Chunk(chunk, offset + 1); printf("%-16s [%05d] - ", "OP_CLOSURE", index); CValue val = chunk->constants.values[index]; CObjFunction *cobjFunc = (CObjFunction*)val.val.obj; offset += 3; // we consumed the opcode + u16 printValue(val); printf("\n"); // list the upvalues/locals that are captured for (int i = 0; i < cobjFunc->upvals; i++) { uint8_t encoding = readu8Chunk(chunk, offset++); uint8_t index = readu8Chunk(chunk, offset++); printIndent(indent + 1); printf("references %s [%d]\n", encoding == OP_GETLOCAL ? "local" : "upvalue", index); } // print the chunk disasmChunk(&cobjFunc->chunk, cobjFunc->name == NULL ? UNNAMEDCHUNK : cobjFunc->name->str, indent+1); return offset; } case OP_CLOSE: return simpleInstruction("OP_CLOSE", offset); case OP_NEWOBJECT: return shortOperandInstruction("OP_NEWOBJECT", chunk, offset); case OP_GETOBJECT: return simpleInstruction("OP_GETOBJECT", offset); case OP_SETOBJECT: return simpleInstruction("OP_SETOBJECT", offset); case OP_ADD: return simpleInstruction("OP_ADD", offset); case OP_SUB: return simpleInstruction("OP_SUB", offset); case OP_MULT: return simpleInstruction("OP_MULT", offset); case OP_DIV: return simpleInstruction("OP_DIV", offset); case OP_TRUE: return simpleInstruction("OP_TRUE", offset); case OP_FALSE: return simpleInstruction("OP_FALSE", offset); case OP_NIL: return simpleInstruction("OP_NIL", offset); case OP_NOT: return simpleInstruction("OP_NOT", offset); case OP_EQUAL: return simpleInstruction("OP_EQUAL", offset); case OP_GREATER: return simpleInstruction("OP_GREATER", offset); case OP_GREATER_EQUAL: return simpleInstruction("OP_GREATER_EQUAL", offset); case OP_LESS: return simpleInstruction("OP_LESS", offset); case OP_LESS_EQUAL: return simpleInstruction("OP_LESS_EQUAL", offset); case OP_NEGATE: return simpleInstruction("OP_NEGATE", offset); case OP_CONCAT: return shortOperandInstruction("OP_CONCAT", chunk, offset); case OP_RETURN: return shortOperandInstruction("OP_RETURN", chunk, offset); default: printf("Unknown opcode! [%d]\n", i); exit(0); } return 1; }