#ifndef CLEX_H #define CLEX_H #include "cosmo.h" typedef enum { // single character tokens TOKEN_LEFT_PAREN, TOKEN_RIGHT_PAREN, TOKEN_LEFT_BRACE, TOKEN_RIGHT_BRACE, TOKEN_LEFT_BRACKET, TOKEN_RIGHT_BRACKET, TOKEN_COMMA, TOKEN_DOT, TOKEN_DOT_DOT, TOKEN_MINUS, TOKEN_MINUS_MINUS, TOKEN_PLUS, TOKEN_PLUS_PLUS, TOKEN_SLASH, TOKEN_STAR, TOKEN_EOS, // end of statement // equality operators TOKEN_BANG, TOKEN_BANG_EQUAL, TOKEN_EQUAL, TOKEN_EQUAL_EQUAL, TOKEN_GREATER, TOKEN_GREATER_EQUAL, TOKEN_LESS, TOKEN_LESS_EQUAL, // literals TOKEN_IDENTIFIER, TOKEN_STRING, // token.start is heap allocated and separate from the source string! TOKEN_NUMBER, TOKEN_NIL, TOKEN_TRUE, TOKEN_FALSE, // keywords & reserved words TOKEN_AND, TOKEN_DO, TOKEN_ELSE, TOKEN_ELSEIF, TOKEN_END, TOKEN_FOR, TOKEN_FUNCTION, TOKEN_CLASS, TOKEN_IF, TOKEN_LOCAL, TOKEN_NOT, TOKEN_OR, TOKEN_RETURN, TOKEN_THEN, TOKEN_VAR, TOKEN_WHILE, TOKEN_ERROR, TOKEN_EOF } CTokenType; typedef struct { CTokenType type; const char *word; int len; } CReservedWord; typedef struct { CTokenType type; char *start; int length; int line; } CToken; typedef struct { char *currentChar; char *startChar; char *buffer; // if non-NULL & bufCount > 0, token->start & token->length will be set to buffer & bufCount respectively size_t bufCount; size_t bufCap; int line; // current line int lastLine; // line of the previous consumed token bool isEnd; CTokenType lastType; CState *cstate; } CLexState; CLexState *cosmoL_newLexState(CState *state, const char *source); void cosmoL_freeLexState(CState *state, CLexState *lstate); CToken cosmoL_scanToken(CLexState *state); #endif