#include "cparse.h" #include "cstate.h" #include "clex.h" #include "cchunk.h" #include "cdebug.h" #include "cmem.h" #include "cvm.h" #include // we define all of this here because we only need it in this file, no need for it to be in the header /shrug typedef struct { CToken name; int depth; bool isCaptured; // is the Local referenced in an upvalue? } Local; typedef struct { uint8_t index; bool isLocal; } Upvalue; typedef struct { int *breaks; // this array is dynamically allocated int scope; // if -1, there is no loop int startBytecode; // start index in the chunk of the loop int breakCount; // # of breaks to patch int breakCapacity; } LoopState; typedef enum { FTYPE_FUNCTION, FTYPE_METHOD, // a function bounded to an object (can use "this" identifer to access the current object :pog:) FTYPE_SCRIPT } FunctionType; typedef struct CCompilerState { Local locals[256]; Upvalue upvalues[256]; LoopState loop; CObjFunction *function; FunctionType type; int localCount; int scopeDepth; int pushedValues; int expectedValues; struct CCompilerState* enclosing; } CCompilerState; typedef struct { CLexState *lex; CCompilerState *compiler; CObjString *module; // name of the module (can be NULL) CState *state; CToken current; CToken previous; // token right after the current token bool hadError; bool panic; } CParseState; typedef enum { PREC_NONE, PREC_ASSIGNMENT, // = PREC_CONCAT, // .. PREC_OR, // or PREC_AND, // and PREC_EQUALITY, // == != PREC_COMPARISON, // < > <= >= PREC_TERM, // + - PREC_FACTOR, // * / PREC_UNARY, // ! - PREC_CALL, // . () PREC_PRIMARY // everything else } Precedence; typedef void (*ParseFunc)(CParseState* pstate, bool canAssign, Precedence curPrec); typedef struct { ParseFunc prefix; ParseFunc infix; Precedence level; } ParseRule; static void parsePrecedence(CParseState*, Precedence); static int expressionPrecedence(CParseState *pstate, int needed, Precedence prec, bool forceNeeded); static int expression(CParseState *pstate, int needed, bool forceNeeded); static void statement(CParseState *pstate); static void declaration(CParseState *pstate); static void function(CParseState *pstate, FunctionType type); static void expressionStatement(CParseState *pstate); static ParseRule* getRule(CTokenType type); static CObjFunction *endCompiler(CParseState *pstate); // ================================================================ [FRONT END/TALK TO LEXER] ================================================================ static void initCompilerState(CParseState* pstate, CCompilerState *ccstate, FunctionType type, CCompilerState *enclosing) { pstate->compiler = ccstate; ccstate->enclosing = enclosing; ccstate->function = NULL; ccstate->localCount = 0; ccstate->scopeDepth = 0; ccstate->pushedValues = 0; ccstate->expectedValues = 0; ccstate->type = type; ccstate->function = cosmoO_newFunction(pstate->state); ccstate->function->module = pstate->module; ccstate->loop.scope = -1; // there is no loop yet if (type != FTYPE_SCRIPT) ccstate->function->name = cosmoO_copyString(pstate->state, pstate->previous.start, pstate->previous.length); else ccstate->function->name = cosmoO_copyString(pstate->state, UNNAMEDCHUNK, strlen(UNNAMEDCHUNK)); // mark first local slot as used (this will hold the CObjFunction of the current function, or if it's a method it'll hold the currently bounded object) Local *local = &ccstate->locals[ccstate->localCount++]; local->depth = 0; local->isCaptured = false; local->name.start = ""; local->name.length = 0; } static void initParseState(CParseState *pstate, CCompilerState *ccstate, CState *s, const char *source, const char *module) { pstate->lex = cosmoL_newLexState(s, source); pstate->state = s; pstate->hadError = false; pstate->panic = false; pstate->compiler = ccstate; pstate->module = cosmoO_copyString(s, module, strlen(module)); initCompilerState(pstate, ccstate, FTYPE_SCRIPT, NULL); // enclosing starts as NULL } static void freeParseState(CParseState *pstate) { cosmoL_freeLexState(pstate->state, pstate->lex); } static void errorAt(CParseState *pstate, CToken *token, const char *format, va_list args) { if (pstate->hadError) return; if (token->type == TOKEN_EOF) { cosmoV_pushString(pstate->state, "At end: "); } else if (!(token->type == TOKEN_ERROR)) { cosmoV_pushFString(pstate->state, "At '%t': ", token); // this is why the '%t' exist in cosmoO_pushFString lol } else { cosmoV_pushString(pstate->state, "Lexer error: "); } cosmoO_pushVFString(pstate->state, format, args); cosmoV_concat(pstate->state, 2); // concats the two strings together CObjError *err = cosmoV_throw(pstate->state); err->line = token->line; err->parserError = true; pstate->hadError = true; pstate->panic = true; } static void errorAtCurrent(CParseState *pstate, const char *format, ...) { va_list args; va_start(args, format); errorAt(pstate, &pstate->current, format, args); va_end(args); } static void error(CParseState *pstate, const char *format, ...) { va_list args; va_start(args, format); errorAt(pstate, &pstate->previous, format, args); va_end(args); } static void advance(CParseState *pstate) { pstate->previous = pstate->current; pstate->current = cosmoL_scanToken(pstate->lex); if (pstate->current.type == TOKEN_ERROR) { errorAtCurrent(pstate, pstate->current.start); } } static bool check(CParseState *pstate, CTokenType type) { return pstate->current.type == type; } // consumes the next token if it matches type, otherwise errors static void consume(CParseState* pstate, CTokenType type, const char *msg) { if (pstate->current.type == type) { // if token matches, consume the next token advance(pstate); return; } errorAtCurrent(pstate, msg); } static bool match(CParseState *pstate, CTokenType type) { if (!check(pstate, type)) return false; // if it matched, go ahead and consume the next token advance(pstate); return true; } static bool identifiersEqual(CToken *idA, CToken *idB) { return idA->length == idB->length && memcmp(idA->start, idB->start, idA->length) == 0; } static void inline valuePushed(CParseState *pstate, int values) { pstate->compiler->pushedValues += values; } static void inline valuePopped(CParseState *pstate, int values) { pstate->compiler->pushedValues -= values; } static bool blockFollow(CToken token) { switch (token.type) { case TOKEN_END: case TOKEN_ELSE: case TOKEN_ELSEIF: case TOKEN_EOS: return true; default: return false; } } // ================================================================ [WRITE TO CHUNK] ================================================================ CChunk* getChunk(CParseState *pstate) { return &pstate->compiler->function->chunk; } // safely adds constant to chunk, checking for overflow uint16_t makeConstant(CParseState *pstate, CValue val) { int indx = addConstant(pstate->state, getChunk(pstate), val); if (indx > UINT16_MAX) { error(pstate, "UInt overflow! Too many constants in one chunk!"); return 0; } return (uint16_t)indx; } void writeu8(CParseState *pstate, INSTRUCTION i) { writeu8Chunk(pstate->state, getChunk(pstate), i, pstate->previous.line); } void writeu16(CParseState *pstate, uint16_t i) { writeu16Chunk(pstate->state, getChunk(pstate), i, pstate->previous.line); } void writeConstant(CParseState *pstate, CValue val) { writeu8(pstate, OP_LOADCONST); writeu16(pstate, makeConstant(pstate, val)); valuePushed(pstate, 1); } int writeJmp(CParseState *pstate, INSTRUCTION i) { writeu8(pstate, i); writeu16(pstate, 0xFFFF); return getChunk(pstate)->count - 2; } void writePop(CParseState *pstate, int times) { writeu8(pstate, OP_POP); writeu8(pstate, times); } void writeJmpBack(CParseState *pstate, int location) { int jmp = (getChunk(pstate)->count - location) + 3; if (jmp > UINT16_MAX) error(pstate, "UInt overflow! Too much code to jump!"); writeu8(pstate, OP_JMPBACK); writeu16(pstate, jmp); } // patches offset operand at location void patchJmp(CParseState *pstate, int index) { unsigned int jump = getChunk(pstate)->count - index - 2; if (jump > UINT16_MAX) error(pstate, "UInt overflow! Too much code to jump!"); memcpy(&getChunk(pstate)->buf[index], &jump, sizeof(uint16_t)); } static uint16_t identifierConstant(CParseState *pstate, CToken *name) { return makeConstant(pstate, cosmoV_newObj((CObj*)cosmoO_copyString(pstate->state, name->start, name->length))); } static void addLocal(CParseState *pstate, CToken name) { if (pstate->compiler->localCount > UINT8_MAX) { error(pstate, "UInt overflow! Too many locals in scope!"); return; } Local *local = &pstate->compiler->locals[pstate->compiler->localCount++]; local->name = name; local->depth = -1; local->isCaptured = false; } static int addUpvalue(CParseState *pstate, CCompilerState *ccstate, uint8_t indx, bool isLocal) { int upvals = ccstate->function->upvals; if (upvals > UINT8_MAX) { error(pstate, "UInt overflow! Too many upvalues in scope!"); return -1; } // check and make sure we haven't already captured it for (int i = 0; i < upvals; i++) { Upvalue *upval = &ccstate->upvalues[i]; if (upval->index == indx && upval->isLocal == isLocal) // it matches! return that return i; } ccstate->upvalues[upvals].index = indx; ccstate->upvalues[upvals].isLocal = isLocal; return ccstate->function->upvals++; } static int getLocal(CCompilerState *ccstate, CToken *name) { for (int i = ccstate->localCount - 1; i >= 0; i--) { Local *local = &ccstate->locals[i]; if (local->depth != -1 && identifiersEqual(name, &local->name)) { // if the identifer is initalized and it matches, use it! return i; } } // it wasn't found return -1; } static int getUpvalue(CParseState *pstate, CCompilerState *ccstate, CToken *name) { if (ccstate->enclosing == NULL) // there's no upvalues to lookup! return -1; int local = getLocal(ccstate->enclosing, name); if (local != -1) { ccstate->enclosing->locals[local].isCaptured = true; return addUpvalue(pstate, ccstate, local, true); } int upval = getUpvalue(pstate, ccstate->enclosing, name); if (upval != -1) return addUpvalue(pstate, ccstate, upval, false); return -1; // failed! } static void markInitialized(CParseState *pstate, int local) { pstate->compiler->locals[local].depth = pstate->compiler->scopeDepth; } static int parseArguments(CParseState *pstate) { int args = 0; // there are args to parse! if (!check(pstate, TOKEN_RIGHT_PAREN)) { do { expression(pstate, 1, true); args++; } while(match(pstate, TOKEN_COMMA)); } consume(pstate, TOKEN_RIGHT_PAREN, "Expected ')' to end call."); // sanity check if (args > UINT8_MAX) { errorAtCurrent(pstate, "Too many arguments passed in call."); } return args; } // recovers stack (pops unneeded values, reports missing values) static void alignStack(CParseState *pstate, int alignment) { // realign the stack if (pstate->compiler->pushedValues > alignment) { writePop(pstate, pstate->compiler->pushedValues - alignment); } else if (pstate->compiler->pushedValues < alignment) { error(pstate, "Missing expression!"); } pstate->compiler->pushedValues = alignment; } // last in precedence expression? static bool isLast(CParseState *pstate, Precedence pType) { return pType > getRule(pstate->current.type)->level; } // ================================================================ [PARSER] ================================================================ static void number(CParseState *pstate, bool canAssign, Precedence prec) { cosmo_Number num = strtod(pstate->previous.start, NULL); writeConstant(pstate, cosmoV_newNumber(num)); } static void string(CParseState *pstate, bool canAssign, Precedence prec) { CObjString *strObj = cosmoO_takeString(pstate->state, pstate->previous.start, pstate->previous.length); writeConstant(pstate, cosmoV_newObj((CObj*)strObj)); } static void literal(CParseState *pstate, bool canAssign, Precedence prec) { switch (pstate->previous.type) { case TOKEN_TRUE: writeu8(pstate, OP_TRUE); break; case TOKEN_FALSE: writeu8(pstate, OP_FALSE); break; case TOKEN_NIL: writeu8(pstate, OP_NIL); break; default: break; } valuePushed(pstate, 1); } // parses prefix operators static void unary(CParseState *pstate, bool canAssign, Precedence prec) { CTokenType type = pstate->previous.type; int cachedLine = pstate->previous.line; // eval'ing the next expression might change the line number // only eval the next *value* expressionPrecedence(pstate, 1, PREC_UNARY, true); switch(type) { case TOKEN_MINUS: writeu8Chunk(pstate->state, getChunk(pstate), OP_NEGATE, cachedLine); break; case TOKEN_BANG: writeu8Chunk(pstate->state, getChunk(pstate), OP_NOT, cachedLine); break; case TOKEN_POUND: writeu8Chunk(pstate->state, getChunk(pstate), OP_COUNT, cachedLine); break; default: error(pstate, "Unexpected unary operator!"); } } // parses infix operators static void binary(CParseState *pstate, bool canAssign, Precedence prec) { CTokenType type = pstate->previous.type; // already consumed int cachedLine = pstate->previous.line; // eval'ing the next expression might change the line number expressionPrecedence(pstate, 1, getRule(type)->level + 1, true); switch (type) { // ARITH case TOKEN_PLUS: writeu8Chunk(pstate->state, getChunk(pstate), OP_ADD, cachedLine); break; case TOKEN_MINUS: writeu8Chunk(pstate->state, getChunk(pstate), OP_SUB, cachedLine); break; case TOKEN_STAR: writeu8Chunk(pstate->state, getChunk(pstate), OP_MULT, cachedLine); break; case TOKEN_SLASH: writeu8Chunk(pstate->state, getChunk(pstate), OP_DIV, cachedLine); break; case TOKEN_PERCENT: writeu8Chunk(pstate->state, getChunk(pstate), OP_MOD, cachedLine); break; // EQUALITY case TOKEN_EQUAL_EQUAL: writeu8Chunk(pstate->state, getChunk(pstate), OP_EQUAL, cachedLine); break; case TOKEN_GREATER: writeu8Chunk(pstate->state, getChunk(pstate), OP_GREATER, cachedLine); break; case TOKEN_LESS: writeu8Chunk(pstate->state, getChunk(pstate), OP_LESS, cachedLine); break; case TOKEN_GREATER_EQUAL: writeu8Chunk(pstate->state, getChunk(pstate), OP_GREATER_EQUAL, cachedLine); break; case TOKEN_LESS_EQUAL: writeu8Chunk(pstate->state, getChunk(pstate), OP_LESS_EQUAL, cachedLine); break; case TOKEN_BANG_EQUAL: writeu8Chunk(pstate->state, getChunk(pstate), OP_EQUAL, cachedLine); writeu8Chunk(pstate->state, getChunk(pstate), OP_NOT, cachedLine); break; default: error(pstate, "Unexpected operator!"); } valuePopped(pstate, 1); // we pop 2 values off the stack and push 1 for a net pop of 1 value } static void group(CParseState *pstate, bool canAssign, Precedence prec) { expression(pstate, 1, true); consume(pstate, TOKEN_RIGHT_PAREN, "Expected ')'"); } static void _etterOP(CParseState *pstate, uint8_t op, int arg) { writeu8(pstate, op); if (op == OP_GETGLOBAL || op == OP_SETGLOBAL) // globals are stored with a u16 writeu16(pstate, arg); else writeu8(pstate, arg); } static void namedVariable(CParseState *pstate, CToken name, bool canAssign, bool canIncrement, int expectedValues) { uint8_t opGet, opSet, inc; int arg = getLocal(pstate->compiler, &name); if (arg != -1) { // we found it in out local table! opGet = OP_GETLOCAL; opSet = OP_SETLOCAL; inc = OP_INCLOCAL; } else if ((arg = getUpvalue(pstate, pstate->compiler, &name)) != -1) { opGet = OP_GETUPVAL; opSet = OP_SETUPVAL; inc = OP_INCUPVAL; } else { // local & upvalue wasn't found, assume it's a global! arg = identifierConstant(pstate, &name); opGet = OP_GETGLOBAL; opSet = OP_SETGLOBAL; inc = OP_INCGLOBAL; } if (canAssign && match(pstate, TOKEN_COMMA)) { expectedValues++; consume(pstate, TOKEN_IDENTIFIER, "Expected another identifer!"); namedVariable(pstate, pstate->previous, true, false, expectedValues); _etterOP(pstate, opSet, arg); valuePopped(pstate, 1); } else if (canAssign && match(pstate, TOKEN_EQUAL)) { expectedValues++; // consume all the ',' do { int pushed = expression(pstate, expectedValues, false); expectedValues -= pushed; if (expectedValues < 0) { // these values need to be thrown away writePop(pstate, -expectedValues); valuePopped(pstate, -expectedValues); expectedValues = 1; } } while (match(pstate, TOKEN_COMMA)); // for any expected value we didn't get while (expectedValues-- > 0) { valuePushed(pstate, 1); writeu8(pstate, OP_NIL); } _etterOP(pstate, opSet, arg); valuePopped(pstate, 1); } else if (canIncrement && match(pstate, TOKEN_PLUS_PLUS)) { // i++ // now we increment the value writeu8(pstate, inc); writeu8(pstate, 128 + 1); // setting signed values in an unsigned int if (inc == OP_INCGLOBAL) // globals are stored with a u16 writeu16(pstate, arg); else writeu8(pstate, arg); valuePushed(pstate, 1); } else if (canIncrement && match(pstate, TOKEN_MINUS_MINUS)) { // i-- // now we increment the value writeu8(pstate, inc); writeu8(pstate, 128 - 1); // setting signed values in an unsigned int if (inc == OP_INCGLOBAL) // globals are stored with a u16 writeu16(pstate, arg); else writeu8(pstate, arg); valuePushed(pstate, 1); } else { // getter _etterOP(pstate, opGet, arg); valuePushed(pstate, 1); } } static void and_(CParseState *pstate, bool canAssign, Precedence prec) { int jump = writeJmp(pstate, OP_EJMP); // conditional jump without popping writePop(pstate, 1); expressionPrecedence(pstate, 1, PREC_AND, true); patchJmp(pstate, jump); } static void or_(CParseState *pstate, bool canAssign, Precedence prec) { int elseJump = writeJmp(pstate, OP_EJMP); int endJump = writeJmp(pstate, OP_JMP); patchJmp(pstate, elseJump); writePop(pstate, 1); expressionPrecedence(pstate, 1, PREC_OR, true); patchJmp(pstate, endJump); } static void anonFunction(CParseState *pstate, bool canAssign, Precedence prec) { function(pstate, FTYPE_FUNCTION); } static void variable(CParseState *pstate, bool canAssign, Precedence prec) { namedVariable(pstate, pstate->previous, canAssign, true, 0); } static void concat(CParseState *pstate, bool canAssign, Precedence prec) { CTokenType type = pstate->previous.type; int vars = 1; // we already have something on the stack do { expressionPrecedence(pstate, 1, getRule(type)->level + 1, true); // parse until next concat vars++; } while (match(pstate, TOKEN_DOT_DOT)); writeu8(pstate, OP_CONCAT); writeu8(pstate, vars); valuePopped(pstate, vars - 1); // - 1 because we're pushing the concat result } static void call_(CParseState *pstate, bool canAssign, Precedence prec) { // we enter having already consumed the '(' int returnNum = pstate->compiler->expectedValues; // grab our arguments uint8_t argCount = parseArguments(pstate); valuePopped(pstate, argCount + 1); // all of these values will be popped off the stack when returned (+1 for the function) writeu8(pstate, OP_CALL); writeu8(pstate, argCount); // if we're not the last token in this expression or we're expecting multiple values, we should return only 1 value!! if (!isLast(pstate, prec) || (returnNum > 1 && check(pstate, TOKEN_COMMA))) returnNum = 1; writeu8(pstate, returnNum); valuePushed(pstate, returnNum); } static void table(CParseState *pstate, bool canAssign, Precedence prec) { // enter having already consumed '[' int entries = 0; int tblType = 0; // 0 = we don't know yet / 1 = array-like table / 2 = dictionary-like table if (!match(pstate, TOKEN_RIGHT_BRACKET)) { do { // grab value/key expression(pstate, 1, true); // they want to make a table with key:value if (match(pstate, TOKEN_COLON) && tblType != 1) { tblType = 2; // dictionary-like // grab value expression(pstate, 1, true); } else if ((check(pstate, TOKEN_COMMA) || check(pstate, TOKEN_RIGHT_BRACKET)) && tblType != 2) { tblType = 1; // array-like } else { error(pstate, "Can't change table description type mid-definition!"); return; } entries++; } while (match(pstate, TOKEN_COMMA)); } } static void object(CParseState *pstate, bool canAssign, Precedence prec) { // already consumed the beginning '{' int entries = 0; if (!match(pstate, TOKEN_RIGHT_BRACE)) { do { // parse the key first consume(pstate, TOKEN_IDENTIFIER, "Expected property identifier before '='!"); uint16_t ident = identifierConstant(pstate, &pstate->previous); writeu8(pstate, OP_LOADCONST); writeu16(pstate, ident); consume(pstate, TOKEN_EQUAL, "Expected '=' to mark the start of value!"); // now, parse the value (until comma) expression(pstate, 1, true); // "pop" the 1 value valuePopped(pstate, 1); entries++; } while (match(pstate, TOKEN_COMMA) && !pstate->hadError); consume(pstate, TOKEN_RIGHT_BRACE, "Expected '}' to end object definition."); } writeu8(pstate, OP_NEWOBJECT); // creates a object with u16 entries writeu16(pstate, entries); valuePushed(pstate, 1); } static void dot(CParseState *pstate, bool canAssign, Precedence prec) { consume(pstate, TOKEN_IDENTIFIER, "Expected property name after '.'."); uint16_t name = identifierConstant(pstate, &pstate->previous); if (canAssign && match(pstate, TOKEN_EQUAL)) { expression(pstate, 1, true); writeu8(pstate, OP_SETOBJECT); writeu16(pstate, name); valuePopped(pstate, 2); // value & object } else if (match(pstate, TOKEN_PLUS_PLUS)) { // increment the field writeu8(pstate, OP_INCOBJECT); writeu8(pstate, 128 + 1); writeu16(pstate, name); } else if (match(pstate, TOKEN_MINUS_MINUS)) { // decrement the field writeu8(pstate, OP_INCOBJECT); writeu8(pstate, 128 - 1); writeu16(pstate, name); } else if (match(pstate, TOKEN_LEFT_PAREN)) { // it's an invoked call uint8_t args = parseArguments(pstate); writeu8(pstate, OP_INVOKE); writeu8(pstate, args); writeu8(pstate, pstate->compiler->expectedValues); writeu16(pstate, name); valuePopped(pstate, args+1); // args + function valuePushed(pstate, pstate->compiler->expectedValues); } else { writeu8(pstate, OP_GETOBJECT); writeu16(pstate, name); // pops key & object but also pushes the field so total popped is 1 } } static void _index(CParseState *pstate, bool canAssign, Precedence prec) { expression(pstate, 1, true); consume(pstate, TOKEN_RIGHT_BRACKET, "Expected ']' to end index."); if (canAssign && match(pstate, TOKEN_EQUAL)) { expression(pstate, 1, true); writeu8(pstate, OP_NEWINDEX); valuePopped(pstate, 2); // pops key, value & object } else if (match(pstate, TOKEN_PLUS_PLUS)) { // increment the field writeu8(pstate, OP_INCINDEX); writeu8(pstate, 128 + 1); } else if (match(pstate, TOKEN_MINUS_MINUS)) { // decrement the field writeu8(pstate, OP_INCINDEX); writeu8(pstate, 128 - 1); } else { writeu8(pstate, OP_INDEX); } valuePopped(pstate, 1); // pops key & object but also pushes the value so total popped is 1 } // ++test.field[1] // this function is kind of spaghetti, feel free to rewrite (if you dare!) static void walkIndexes(CParseState *pstate, int lastIndexType, uint16_t lastIdent, int val) { uint16_t ident = lastIdent; int indexType = lastIndexType; while (true) { if (match(pstate, TOKEN_DOT)) { consume(pstate, TOKEN_IDENTIFIER, "Expected property name after '.'."); ident = identifierConstant(pstate, &pstate->previous); indexType = 0; } else if (match(pstate, TOKEN_LEFT_BRACKET)) { indexType = 1; } else // end of indexes, break out of the loop break; switch (lastIndexType) { case 0: // . writeu8(pstate, OP_GETOBJECT); // grabs property writeu16(pstate, lastIdent); break; case 1: // [] writeu8(pstate, OP_INDEX); // so, that was a normal index, perform that valuePopped(pstate, 1); // pops the key & table off the stack, but pushes the value break; default: // no previous index break; } if (indexType == 1) { // currently parsed token was a TOKEN_LEFT_BRACKET, meaning an index expression(pstate, 1, true); // grabs key consume(pstate, TOKEN_RIGHT_BRACKET, "Expected ']' to end index."); } lastIndexType = indexType; lastIdent = ident; } switch (indexType) { case 0: // . writeu8(pstate, OP_INCOBJECT); writeu8(pstate, 128 + val); // setting signed values in an unsigned int writeu16(pstate, ident); valuePopped(pstate, 1); // popped the object off the stack break; case 1: // [] writeu8(pstate, OP_INCINDEX); writeu8(pstate, 128 + val); valuePopped(pstate, 2); // popped the table & the key off the stack, but pushes the previous value break; default: // no previous index break; } } static void increment(CParseState *pstate, int val) { CToken name = pstate->previous; if (match(pstate, TOKEN_DOT)) { // object? namedVariable(pstate, name, false, false, 0); // just get the object consume(pstate, TOKEN_IDENTIFIER, "Expected property name after '.'."); uint16_t ident = identifierConstant(pstate, &pstate->previous); // walk the indexes walkIndexes(pstate, 0, ident, val); } else if (match(pstate, TOKEN_LEFT_BRACKET)) { // table? namedVariable(pstate, name, false, false, 0); // just get the table // grab key expression(pstate, 1, true); consume(pstate, TOKEN_RIGHT_BRACKET, "Expected ']' to end index."); // walk the indexes walkIndexes(pstate, 1, 0, val); } else { uint8_t op; int arg = getLocal(pstate->compiler, &name); if (arg != -1) { // we found it in out local table! op = OP_INCLOCAL; } else if ((arg = getUpvalue(pstate, pstate->compiler, &name)) != -1) { op = OP_INCUPVAL; } else { // local & upvalue wasn't found, assume it's a global! arg = identifierConstant(pstate, &name); op = OP_INCGLOBAL; } writeu8(pstate, op); writeu8(pstate, 128 + val); // setting signed values in an unsigned int if (op == OP_INCGLOBAL) // globals are stored with a u16 writeu16(pstate, arg); else writeu8(pstate, arg); } // increment the old value on the stack writeConstant(pstate, cosmoV_newNumber(val)); writeu8(pstate, OP_ADD); } // ++i static void preincrement(CParseState *pstate, bool canAssign, Precedence prec) { // expect identifier consume(pstate, TOKEN_IDENTIFIER, "Expected identifier after '++'"); increment(pstate, 1); } // --i static void predecrement(CParseState *pstate, bool canAssign, Precedence prec) { // expect identifier consume(pstate, TOKEN_IDENTIFIER, "Expected identifier after '--'"); increment(pstate, -1); } ParseRule ruleTable[] = { [TOKEN_LEFT_PAREN] = {group, call_, PREC_CALL}, [TOKEN_RIGHT_PAREN] = {NULL, NULL, PREC_NONE}, [TOKEN_LEFT_BRACE] = {object, NULL, PREC_NONE}, [TOKEN_RIGHT_BRACE] = {NULL, NULL, PREC_NONE}, [TOKEN_LEFT_BRACKET] = {NULL, _index, PREC_CALL}, [TOKEN_RIGHT_BRACKET] = {NULL, NULL, PREC_NONE}, [TOKEN_COMMA] = {NULL, NULL, PREC_NONE}, [TOKEN_COLON] = {NULL, NULL, PREC_NONE}, [TOKEN_DOT] = {NULL, dot, PREC_CALL}, [TOKEN_DOT_DOT] = {NULL, concat, PREC_CONCAT}, [TOKEN_DOT_DOT_DOT] = {NULL, NULL, PREC_NONE}, [TOKEN_MINUS] = {unary, binary, PREC_TERM}, [TOKEN_MINUS_MINUS] = {predecrement, NULL, PREC_NONE}, [TOKEN_PLUS] = {NULL, binary, PREC_TERM}, [TOKEN_PLUS_PLUS] = {preincrement, NULL, PREC_NONE}, [TOKEN_SLASH] = {NULL, binary, PREC_FACTOR}, [TOKEN_STAR] = {NULL, binary, PREC_FACTOR}, [TOKEN_PERCENT] = {NULL, binary, PREC_FACTOR}, [TOKEN_POUND] = {unary, NULL, PREC_NONE}, [TOKEN_EOS] = {NULL, NULL, PREC_NONE}, [TOKEN_BANG] = {unary, NULL, PREC_NONE}, [TOKEN_BANG_EQUAL] = {NULL, binary, PREC_EQUALITY}, [TOKEN_EQUAL] = {NULL, NULL, PREC_NONE}, [TOKEN_EQUAL_EQUAL] = {NULL, binary, PREC_EQUALITY}, [TOKEN_GREATER] = {NULL, binary, PREC_COMPARISON}, [TOKEN_GREATER_EQUAL] = {NULL, binary, PREC_COMPARISON}, [TOKEN_LESS] = {NULL, binary, PREC_COMPARISON}, [TOKEN_LESS_EQUAL] = {NULL, binary, PREC_COMPARISON}, [TOKEN_IDENTIFIER] = {variable, NULL, PREC_NONE}, [TOKEN_STRING] = {string, NULL, PREC_NONE}, [TOKEN_NUMBER] = {number, NULL, PREC_NONE}, [TOKEN_NIL] = {literal, NULL, PREC_NONE}, [TOKEN_TRUE] = {literal, NULL, PREC_NONE}, [TOKEN_FALSE] = {literal, NULL, PREC_NONE}, [TOKEN_AND] = {NULL, and_, PREC_AND}, [TOKEN_BREAK] = {NULL, NULL, PREC_NONE}, [TOKEN_CONTINUE] = {NULL, NULL, PREC_NONE}, [TOKEN_DO] = {NULL, NULL, PREC_NONE}, [TOKEN_ELSE] = {NULL, NULL, PREC_NONE}, [TOKEN_ELSEIF] = {NULL, NULL, PREC_NONE}, [TOKEN_END] = {NULL, NULL, PREC_NONE}, [TOKEN_FOR] = {NULL, NULL, PREC_NONE}, [TOKEN_FUNCTION] = {anonFunction, NULL, PREC_NONE}, [TOKEN_PROTO] = {NULL, NULL, PREC_NONE}, [TOKEN_IF] = {NULL, NULL, PREC_NONE}, [TOKEN_IN] = {NULL, NULL, PREC_NONE}, [TOKEN_LOCAL] = {NULL, NULL, PREC_NONE}, [TOKEN_NOT] = {NULL, NULL, PREC_NONE}, [TOKEN_OR] = {NULL, or_, PREC_OR}, [TOKEN_RETURN] = {NULL, NULL, PREC_NONE}, [TOKEN_THEN] = {NULL, NULL, PREC_NONE}, [TOKEN_WHILE] = {NULL, NULL, PREC_NONE}, [TOKEN_ERROR] = {NULL, NULL, PREC_NONE}, [TOKEN_VAR] = {NULL, NULL, PREC_NONE}, [TOKEN_EOF] = {NULL, NULL, PREC_NONE} }; static ParseRule* getRule(CTokenType type) { return &ruleTable[type]; } static void parsePrecedence(CParseState *pstate, Precedence prec) { advance(pstate); ParseFunc prefix = getRule(pstate->previous.type)->prefix; if (prefix == NULL) return; bool canAssign = prec <= PREC_ASSIGNMENT; prefix(pstate, canAssign, prec); while (prec <= getRule(pstate->current.type)->level) { ParseFunc infix = getRule(pstate->current.type)->infix; advance(pstate); infix(pstate, canAssign, prec); } if (canAssign && match(pstate, TOKEN_EQUAL)) { error(pstate, "Invalid assignment!"); } } static void declareLocal(CParseState *pstate, bool forceLocal) { if (pstate->compiler->scopeDepth == 0 && !forceLocal) return; CToken* name = &pstate->previous; // check if we already have a local with that identifier for (int i = 0; i < pstate->compiler->localCount; i++) { Local *local = &pstate->compiler->locals[i]; // we've reached a previous scope or an invalid scope, stop checking lol if (local->depth != -1 && pstate->compiler->scopeDepth > local->depth) break; if (identifiersEqual(name, &local->name)) error(pstate, "There's already a local in scope with this name!"); } addLocal(pstate, *name); } static uint16_t parseVariable(CParseState *pstate, const char* errorMessage, bool forceLocal) { consume(pstate, TOKEN_IDENTIFIER, errorMessage); declareLocal(pstate, forceLocal); if (pstate->compiler->scopeDepth > 0 || forceLocal) return pstate->compiler->localCount - 1; return identifierConstant(pstate, &pstate->previous); } static void defineVariable(CParseState *pstate, uint16_t global, bool forceLocal) { if (pstate->hadError) return; if (pstate->compiler->scopeDepth > 0 || forceLocal) { markInitialized(pstate, global); valuePopped(pstate, 1); // the local stays on the stack! return; } writeu8(pstate, OP_SETGLOBAL); writeu16(pstate, global); valuePopped(pstate, 1); } static void _proto(CParseState *pstate) { uint16_t var = parseVariable(pstate, "Expected identifer!", false); int entries = 0; while (!match(pstate, TOKEN_END) && !match(pstate, TOKEN_EOF) && !pstate->hadError) { if (match(pstate, TOKEN_FUNCTION)) { // define method consume(pstate, TOKEN_IDENTIFIER, "Expected identifier!"); uint16_t fieldIdent = identifierConstant(pstate, &pstate->previous); // OP_NEWOBJECT expects the key on the stack before the value writeu8(pstate, OP_LOADCONST); writeu16(pstate, fieldIdent); function(pstate, FTYPE_METHOD); valuePopped(pstate, 1); } entries++; } writeu8(pstate, OP_NEWOBJECT); writeu16(pstate, entries); valuePushed(pstate, 1); defineVariable(pstate, var, false); } static void popLocals(CParseState *pstate, int toScope) { if (pstate->hadError) return; // count the locals in scope to pop int localsToPop = 0; while (pstate->compiler->localCount > 0 && pstate->compiler->locals[pstate->compiler->localCount - 1].depth > toScope) { Local *local = &pstate->compiler->locals[pstate->compiler->localCount - 1]; if (local->isCaptured) { // local needs to be closed over so other closures can reference it // first though, if there are other locals in queue to pop first, go ahead and pop those :) if (localsToPop > 0) { writePop(pstate, localsToPop); localsToPop = 0; } writeu8(pstate, OP_CLOSE); } else { localsToPop++; } pstate->compiler->localCount--; } if (localsToPop > 0) { writePop(pstate, localsToPop); } } static void beginScope(CParseState *pstate) { pstate->compiler->scopeDepth++; } static void endScope(CParseState *pstate) { pstate->compiler->scopeDepth--; popLocals(pstate, pstate->compiler->scopeDepth); } // parses expressionStatements until a TOKEN_END is consumed static void block(CParseState *pstate) { while(!check(pstate, TOKEN_END) && !check(pstate, TOKEN_EOF) && !check(pstate, TOKEN_ERROR)) { declaration(pstate); } consume(pstate, TOKEN_END, "'end' expected to end block.'"); } static void varDeclaration(CParseState *pstate, bool forceLocal, int expectedValues) { uint16_t ident = parseVariable(pstate, "Expected identifer!", forceLocal); expectedValues++; if (match(pstate, TOKEN_EQUAL)) { // assigning a variable // consume all the ',' do { valuePopped(pstate, 1); int pushed = expression(pstate, expectedValues, false); valuePushed(pstate, 1); expectedValues -= pushed; if (expectedValues < 0) { // these values need to be thrown away writePop(pstate, -expectedValues); valuePopped(pstate, -expectedValues); expectedValues = 1; } } while (match(pstate, TOKEN_COMMA)); // for any expected value we didn't get while (expectedValues-- > 0) { valuePushed(pstate, 1); writeu8(pstate, OP_NIL); } } else if (match(pstate, TOKEN_COMMA)) { varDeclaration(pstate, forceLocal, expectedValues); } else { writeu8(pstate, OP_NIL); valuePushed(pstate, 1); } defineVariable(pstate, ident, forceLocal); } static void ifStatement(CParseState *pstate) { expression(pstate, 1, true); consume(pstate, TOKEN_THEN, "Expect 'then' after expression."); int jump = writeJmp(pstate, OP_PEJMP); valuePopped(pstate, 1); // OP_PEJMP pops the conditional! // parse until 'end' or 'else' beginScope(pstate); while(!check(pstate, TOKEN_END) && !check(pstate, TOKEN_ELSE) && !check(pstate, TOKEN_ELSEIF) && !check(pstate, TOKEN_EOF) && !check(pstate, TOKEN_ERROR)) { declaration(pstate); } endScope(pstate); if (match(pstate, TOKEN_ELSE)) { int elseJump = writeJmp(pstate, OP_JMP); // setup our jump patchJmp(pstate, jump); // parse until 'end' beginScope(pstate); block(pstate); endScope(pstate); patchJmp(pstate, elseJump); } else if (match(pstate, TOKEN_ELSEIF)) { int elseJump = writeJmp(pstate, OP_JMP); // setup our jump patchJmp(pstate, jump); ifStatement(pstate); // recursively call into ifStatement patchJmp(pstate, elseJump); } else { // the most vanilla if statement possible (no else, no elseif) patchJmp(pstate, jump); consume(pstate, TOKEN_END, "'end' expected to end block."); } } static void startLoop(CParseState *pstate) { LoopState *lstate = &pstate->compiler->loop; lstate->scope = pstate->compiler->scopeDepth; lstate->breaks = cosmoM_xmalloc(pstate->state, sizeof(int) * ARRAY_START); lstate->breakCount = 0; lstate->breakCapacity = ARRAY_START; lstate->startBytecode = getChunk(pstate)->count; } // this patches all the breaks static void endLoop(CParseState *pstate) { while (pstate->compiler->loop.breakCount > 0) { patchJmp(pstate, pstate->compiler->loop.breaks[--pstate->compiler->loop.breakCount]); } cosmoM_freearray(pstate->state, int, pstate->compiler->loop.breaks, pstate->compiler->loop.breakCapacity); } static void whileStatement(CParseState *pstate) { LoopState cachedLoop = pstate->compiler->loop; startLoop(pstate); int jumpLocation = getChunk(pstate)->count; // get conditional expression(pstate, 1, true); consume(pstate, TOKEN_DO, "expected 'do' after conditional expression."); int exitJump = writeJmp(pstate, OP_PEJMP); // pop equality jump valuePopped(pstate, 1); // OP_PEJMP pops the conditional! beginScope(pstate); block(pstate); // parse until 'end' endScope(pstate); writeJmpBack(pstate, jumpLocation); // patch all the breaks, and restore the previous loop state endLoop(pstate); pstate->compiler->loop = cachedLoop; patchJmp(pstate, exitJump); } static void function(CParseState *pstate, FunctionType type) { CCompilerState compiler; initCompilerState(pstate, &compiler, type, pstate->compiler); int savedPushed = pstate->compiler->pushedValues; // start parsing function beginScope(pstate); // parse the parameters consume(pstate, TOKEN_LEFT_PAREN, "Expected '(' after identifier."); if (!check(pstate, TOKEN_RIGHT_PAREN)) { do { if (check(pstate, TOKEN_DOT_DOT_DOT)) break; // add arg to function compiler.function->args++; if (compiler.function->args > UINT16_MAX - 1) { // -1 since the function would already be on the stack errorAtCurrent(pstate, "Too many parameters!"); } // parse identifier for param (force them to be a local) uint16_t funcIdent = parseVariable(pstate, "Expected identifier for parameter!", true); defineVariable(pstate, funcIdent, true); valuePushed(pstate, 1); // they *will* be populated during runtime } while (match(pstate, TOKEN_COMMA)); } if (match(pstate, TOKEN_DOT_DOT_DOT)) { // marks a function as variadic, now we expect an identifer for the populated variadic table uint16_t vari = parseVariable(pstate, "Expected identifier for variadic table!", true); defineVariable(pstate, vari, true); valuePushed(pstate, 1); compiler.function->variadic = true; } consume(pstate, TOKEN_RIGHT_PAREN, "Expected ')' after parameters."); // compile function block block(pstate); alignStack(pstate, savedPushed); endScope(pstate); CObjFunction *objFunc = endCompiler(pstate); // push closure writeu8(pstate, OP_CLOSURE); writeu16(pstate, makeConstant(pstate, cosmoV_newObj(objFunc))); valuePushed(pstate, 1); // tell the vm what locals/upvalues to pass to this closure for (int i = 0; i < objFunc->upvals; i++) { writeu8(pstate, compiler.upvalues[i].isLocal ? OP_GETLOCAL : OP_GETUPVAL); writeu8(pstate, compiler.upvalues[i].index); } } static void functionDeclaration(CParseState *pstate) { uint16_t var = parseVariable(pstate, "Expected identifer!", false); if (pstate->compiler->scopeDepth > 0) markInitialized(pstate, var); function(pstate, FTYPE_FUNCTION); defineVariable(pstate, var, false); } static void returnStatement(CParseState *pstate) { if (pstate->compiler->type != FTYPE_FUNCTION && pstate->compiler->type != FTYPE_METHOD) { error(pstate, "Expected 'return' in function!"); return; } if (blockFollow(pstate->current)) { // does this return have a value writeu8(pstate, OP_NIL); writeu8(pstate, OP_RETURN); writeu8(pstate, 1); return; } // grab return values int rvalues = 0; do { expression(pstate, 1, true); rvalues++; } while (match(pstate, TOKEN_COMMA)); writeu8(pstate, OP_RETURN); writeu8(pstate, rvalues); valuePopped(pstate, rvalues); } static void localFunction(CParseState *pstate) { uint16_t var = parseVariable(pstate, "Expected identifer!", true); markInitialized(pstate, var); function(pstate, FTYPE_FUNCTION); defineVariable(pstate, var, true); } static void forEachLoop(CParseState *pstate) { beginScope(pstate); // mark a slot on the stack as reserved, we do this by declaring a local with no identifer Local *local = &pstate->compiler->locals[pstate->compiler->localCount++]; local->depth = pstate->compiler->scopeDepth; local->isCaptured = false; local->name.start = ""; local->name.length = 0; // how many values does it expect the iterator to return? beginScope(pstate); int values = 0; do { uint16_t funcIdent = parseVariable(pstate, "Expected identifier!", true); defineVariable(pstate, funcIdent, true); values++; } while (match(pstate, TOKEN_COMMA)); if (values > UINT8_MAX) { error(pstate, "Too many values expected!"); return; } // after we consume the values, get the table/object/whatever on the stack consume(pstate, TOKEN_IN, "Expected 'in' before iterator!"); expression(pstate, 1, true); consume(pstate, TOKEN_DO, "Expected 'do' before loop block!"); writeu8(pstate, OP_ITER); // checks if stack[top] is iterable and pushes the __next metamethod onto the stack for OP_NEXT to call // start loop scope LoopState cachedLoop = pstate->compiler->loop; startLoop(pstate); pstate->compiler->loop.scope--; // scope should actually be 1 less than this int loopStart = getChunk(pstate)->count; // OP_NEXT expected a uint8_t after the opcode for how many values __next is expected to return writeu8(pstate, OP_NEXT); writeu8(pstate, values); // after the u8, is a u16 with how far to jump if __next returns nil int jmpPatch = getChunk(pstate)->count; writeu16(pstate, 0xFFFF); // placeholder, we'll patch this later // OP_NEXT pushes the values needed valuePushed(pstate, values); // compile loop block block(pstate); // pop all of the values, OP_NEXT will repopulate them endScope(pstate); // write jmp back to the start of the loop writeJmpBack(pstate, loopStart); // patch all the breaks, and restore the previous loop state endLoop(pstate); pstate->compiler->loop = cachedLoop; patchJmp(pstate, jmpPatch); // and finally, patch our OP_NEXT // remove reserved local endScope(pstate); valuePopped(pstate, 1); } static void forLoop(CParseState *pstate) { // first, check if the next token is an identifier. if it is, this is a for loop for an iterator if (check(pstate, TOKEN_IDENTIFIER)) { forEachLoop(pstate); return; } beginScope(pstate); consume(pstate, TOKEN_LEFT_PAREN, "Expected '(' after 'for'"); // parse initializer if (!match(pstate, TOKEN_EOS)) { expressionStatement(pstate); consume(pstate, TOKEN_EOS, "Expected ';' after initializer!"); } // start loop scope LoopState cachedLoop = pstate->compiler->loop; startLoop(pstate); int loopStart = getChunk(pstate)->count; // parse conditional int exitJmp = -1; if (!match(pstate, TOKEN_EOS)) { expression(pstate, 1, true); consume(pstate, TOKEN_EOS, "Expected ';' after conditional"); exitJmp = writeJmp(pstate, OP_PEJMP); valuePopped(pstate, 1); } // parse iterator if (!match(pstate, TOKEN_RIGHT_PAREN)) { int bodyJmp = writeJmp(pstate, OP_JMP); // replace stale loop state endLoop(pstate); startLoop(pstate); int iteratorStart = getChunk(pstate)->count; expressionPrecedence(pstate, 0, PREC_ASSIGNMENT, true); // any expression (including assignment) consume(pstate, TOKEN_RIGHT_PAREN, "Expected ')' after iterator"); writeJmpBack(pstate, loopStart); loopStart = iteratorStart; patchJmp(pstate, bodyJmp); } consume(pstate, TOKEN_DO, "Expected 'do'"); beginScope(pstate); // fixes stack issues block(pstate); // parses until 'end' endScope(pstate); writeJmpBack(pstate, loopStart); if (exitJmp != -1) { patchJmp(pstate, exitJmp); } // patch all the breaks, and restore the previous loop state endLoop(pstate); pstate->compiler->loop = cachedLoop; endScope(pstate); } static void breakStatement(CParseState *pstate) { if (pstate->compiler->loop.scope == -1) { error(pstate, "'break' cannot be used outside of a loop body!"); return; } // pop active scoped locals in the loop scope int savedLocals = pstate->compiler->localCount; popLocals(pstate, pstate->compiler->loop.scope); pstate->compiler->localCount = savedLocals; // add break to loop cosmoM_growarray(pstate->state, int, pstate->compiler->loop.breaks, pstate->compiler->loop.breakCount, pstate->compiler->loop.breakCapacity); pstate->compiler->loop.breaks[pstate->compiler->loop.breakCount++] = writeJmp(pstate, OP_JMP); } static void continueStatement(CParseState *pstate) { if (pstate->compiler->loop.scope == -1) { error(pstate, "'continue' cannot be used outside of a loop body!"); return; } // pop active scoped locals in the loop scope int savedLocals = pstate->compiler->localCount; popLocals(pstate, pstate->compiler->loop.scope); pstate->compiler->localCount = savedLocals; // jump to the start of the loop writeJmpBack(pstate, pstate->compiler->loop.startBytecode); } static void synchronize(CParseState *pstate) { pstate->panic = false; while (pstate->current.type != TOKEN_EOF) { if (pstate->previous.type == TOKEN_EOS) return; advance(pstate); } } static int expressionPrecedence(CParseState *pstate, int needed, Precedence prec, bool forceNeeded) { int lastExpected = pstate->compiler->expectedValues; int saved = pstate->compiler->pushedValues + needed; pstate->compiler->expectedValues = needed; parsePrecedence(pstate, prec); // make sure we're returning with the expected values they needed on the stack if (pstate->compiler->pushedValues > saved) { writePop(pstate, pstate->compiler->pushedValues - saved); valuePopped(pstate, pstate->compiler->pushedValues - saved); } else if (forceNeeded && pstate->compiler->pushedValues < saved) { error(pstate, "Missing expression!"); } pstate->compiler->expectedValues = lastExpected; return pstate->compiler->pushedValues - (saved - needed); } static int expression(CParseState *pstate, int needed, bool forceNeeded) { return expressionPrecedence(pstate, needed, PREC_ASSIGNMENT + 1, forceNeeded); // anything above assignments are an expression } static void expressionStatement(CParseState *pstate) { int savedPushed = pstate->compiler->pushedValues; if (match(pstate, TOKEN_VAR)) { varDeclaration(pstate, false, 0); } else if (match(pstate, TOKEN_LOCAL)) { // force declare a local if (match(pstate, TOKEN_FUNCTION)) localFunction(pstate); // force local a function else varDeclaration(pstate, true, 0); // force local a variable } else if (match(pstate, TOKEN_IF)) { ifStatement(pstate); } else if (match(pstate, TOKEN_DO)) { beginScope(pstate); block(pstate); endScope(pstate); } else if (match(pstate, TOKEN_WHILE)) { whileStatement(pstate); } else if (match(pstate, TOKEN_FOR)) { forLoop(pstate); } else if (match(pstate, TOKEN_FUNCTION)) { functionDeclaration(pstate); } else if (match(pstate, TOKEN_PROTO)) { _proto(pstate); } else if (match(pstate, TOKEN_BREAK)) { breakStatement(pstate); } else if (match(pstate, TOKEN_CONTINUE)) { continueStatement(pstate); } else if (match(pstate, TOKEN_RETURN)) { returnStatement(pstate); } else { // expression or assignment expressionPrecedence(pstate, 0, PREC_ASSIGNMENT, false); } // realign the stack alignStack(pstate, savedPushed); } static void statement(CParseState *pstate) { expressionStatement(pstate); } static void declaration(CParseState *pstate) { statement(pstate); // if we paniced, skip the whole statement! if (pstate->panic) synchronize(pstate); } static CObjFunction *endCompiler(CParseState *pstate) { popLocals(pstate, pstate->compiler->scopeDepth); // remove the locals from other scopes writeu8(pstate, OP_NIL); writeu8(pstate, OP_RETURN); writeu8(pstate, 1); // update pstate to next compiler state CCompilerState *cachedCCState = pstate->compiler; pstate->compiler = cachedCCState->enclosing; return cachedCCState->function; } // ================================================================ [API] ================================================================ CObjFunction* cosmoP_compileString(CState *state, const char *source, const char *module) { CParseState parser; CCompilerState compiler; cosmoM_freezeGC(state); // ignore all GC events while compiling initParseState(&parser, &compiler, state, source, module); advance(&parser); while (!match(&parser, TOKEN_EOF)) { declaration(&parser); } consume(&parser, TOKEN_EOF, "End of file expected!"); popLocals(&parser, 0); if (parser.hadError) { // we don't free the function, the state already has a reference to it in it's linked list of objects! endCompiler(&parser); freeParseState(&parser); // the VM still expects a result on the stack cosmoV_pushValue(state, cosmoV_newNil()); cosmoM_unfreezeGC(state); return NULL; } CObjFunction* resFunc = compiler.function; // VM expects the closure on the stack :P (we do this before ending the compiler so our GC doesn't free it) cosmoV_pushValue(state, cosmoV_newObj((CObj*)cosmoO_newClosure(state, resFunc))); // finally free out parser states endCompiler(&parser); freeParseState(&parser); cosmoM_unfreezeGC(state); return resFunc; }