#ifndef COPERATORS_H #define COPERATORS_H #include "cosmo.h" // instructions typedef enum { // STACK/STATE MANIPULATION OP_LOADCONST, // pushes const[uint8_t] to the stack OP_SETGLOBAL, // pops and sets global[const[uint16_t]] OP_GETGLOBAL, // pushes global[const[uint16_t]] OP_SETLOCAL, // pops and sets base[uint8_t] OP_GETLOCAL, // pushes base[uint8_t] OP_GETUPVAL, // pushes closure->upvals[uint8_t] OP_SETUPVAL, // pops and sets closure->upvals[uint8_t] OP_PEJMP, // pops, if false jumps uint16_t OP_EJMP, // if peek(0) is falsey jumps uint16_t OP_JMP, // always jumps uint16_t OP_JMPBACK, // jumps -uint16_t OP_POP, // - pops[uint8_t] from stack OP_CALL, // calls top[-uint8_t] expecting uint8_t results OP_CLOSURE, OP_CLOSE, OP_NEWDICT, OP_INDEX, OP_NEWINDEX, OP_NEWOBJECT, OP_SETOBJECT, OP_GETOBJECT, OP_INVOKE, OP_ITER, OP_NEXT, // ARITHMETIC OP_ADD, OP_SUB, OP_MULT, OP_DIV, OP_MOD, OP_NOT, OP_NEGATE, OP_COUNT, OP_CONCAT, // concats uint8_t vars on the stack OP_INCLOCAL, // pushes old value to stack, adds (uint8_t-128) to local[uint8_t] OP_INCGLOBAL, // pushes old value to stack, adds (uint8_t-128) to globals[const[uint16_t]] OP_INCUPVAL, // pushes old value to stack, adds (uint8_t-128) to closure->upval[uint8_t] OP_INCINDEX, // pushes old value to stack, adds (uint8_t-128) to dict[pop()] OP_INCOBJECT, // pushes old value to stack, adds (uint8_t-128) to obj[const[uint16_t]] // EQUALITY OP_EQUAL, OP_LESS, OP_GREATER, OP_LESS_EQUAL, OP_GREATER_EQUAL, // LITERALS OP_TRUE, OP_FALSE, OP_NIL, OP_RETURN } COPCODE; // there can be a max of 256 instructions #endif