#include "cmem.h" #include "cstate.h" #include "cvalue.h" #include "ctable.h" #include "cparse.h" #include "cobj.h" #include "cbaselib.h" /* copy buffer to new larger buffer, and free the old buffer */ void *cosmoM_reallocate(CState* state, void *buf, size_t oldSize, size_t newSize) { state->allocatedBytes += newSize - oldSize; if (newSize == 0) { // it needs to be free'd free(buf); return NULL; } #ifdef GC_STRESS if (!(cosmoM_isFrozen(state)) && newSize > oldSize) { cosmoM_collectGarbage(state); } #ifdef GC_DEBUG else { printf("GC event ignored! state frozen! [%d]\n", state->freezeGC); } #endif #else cosmoM_checkGarbage(state, 0); #endif // otherwise just use realloc to do all the heavy lifting void *newBuf = realloc(buf, newSize); if (newBuf == NULL) { CERROR("failed to allocate memory!"); exit(1); } return newBuf; } COSMO_API bool cosmoM_checkGarbage(CState *state, size_t needed) { if (!(cosmoM_isFrozen(state)) && state->allocatedBytes + needed > state->nextGC) { cosmoM_collectGarbage(state); // cya lol return true; } return false; } void markObject(CState *state, CObj *obj); void markValue(CState *state, CValue val); void markTable(CState *state, CTable *tbl) { if (tbl->table == NULL) // table is still being initialized return; for (int i = 0; i < tbl->capacity; i++) { CTableEntry *entry = &tbl->table[i]; markValue(state, entry->key); markValue(state, entry->val); } } // free's white members from the table void tableRemoveWhite(CState *state, CTable *tbl) { if (tbl->table == NULL) // table is still being initialized return; for (int i = 0; i < tbl->capacity; i++) { CTableEntry *entry = &tbl->table[i]; if (IS_OBJ(entry->key) && !(cosmoV_readObj(entry->key))->isMarked) { // if the key is a object and it's white (unmarked), remove it from the table cosmoT_remove(state, tbl, entry->key); } } cosmoT_checkShrink(state, tbl); // recovers the memory we're no longer using } void markArray(CState *state, CValueArray *array) { for (int i = 0; i < array->count; i++) { markValue(state, array->values[i]); } } // mark all references associated with the object void blackenObject(CState *state, CObj *obj) { switch (obj->type) { case COBJ_STRING: case COBJ_CFUNCTION: // stubbed break; case COBJ_OBJECT: { // mark everything this object is keeping track of CObjObject *cobj = (CObjObject*)obj; markTable(state, &cobj->tbl); markObject(state, (CObj*)cobj->proto); break; } case COBJ_UPVALUE: { markValue(state, ((CObjUpval*)obj)->closed); break; } case COBJ_FUNCTION: { CObjFunction *func = (CObjFunction*)obj; markObject(state, (CObj*)func->name); markArray(state, &func->chunk.constants); break; } case COBJ_METHOD: { CObjMethod *method = (CObjMethod*)obj; markValue(state, method->func); markObject(state, (CObj*)method->obj); break; } case COBJ_CLOSURE: { CObjClosure *closure = (CObjClosure*)obj; markObject(state, (CObj*)closure->function); // mark all upvalues for (int i = 0; i < closure->upvalueCount; i++) { markObject(state, (CObj*)closure->upvalues[i]); } break; } default: printf("Unknown type in blackenObject with %p, type %d\n", obj, obj->type); break; } } void markObject(CState *state, CObj *obj) { if (obj == NULL || obj->isMarked) // skip if NULL or already marked return; obj->isMarked = true; #ifdef GC_DEBUG printf("marking %p, [", obj); printObject(obj); printf("]\n"); #endif // they don't need to be added to the gray stack, they don't reference any other CObjs if (obj->type == COBJ_CFUNCTION || obj->type == COBJ_STRING) return; // we don't use cosmoM_growarray because we don't want to trigger another GC event while in the GC! if (state->grayCount >= state->grayCapacity || state->grayStack == NULL) { int old = state->grayCapacity; state->grayCapacity = old * GROW_FACTOR; state->grayStack = (CObj**)realloc(state->grayStack, sizeof(CObj*) * state->grayCapacity); if (state->grayStack == NULL) { CERROR("failed to allocate memory for grayStack!"); exit(1); } } state->grayStack[state->grayCount++] = obj; } void markValue(CState *state, CValue val) { if (IS_OBJ(val)) markObject(state, cosmoV_readObj(val)); } // trace our gray references void traceGrays(CState *state) { while (state->grayCount > 0) { CObj* obj = state->grayStack[--state->grayCount]; blackenObject(state, obj); } } void sweep(CState *state) { CObj *prev = NULL; CObj *object = state->objects; while (object != NULL) { if (object->isMarked) { // skip over it object->isMarked = false; // rest to white prev = object; object = object->next; } else { // free it! CObj *oldObj = object; object = object->next; if (prev == NULL) { state->objects = object; } else { prev->next = object; } cosmoO_free(state, oldObj); } } } void markRoots(CState *state) { // mark all values on the stack for (StkPtr value = state->stack; value < state->top; value++) { markValue(state, *value); } // mark all active callframe closures for (int i = 0; i < state->frameCount; i++) { markObject(state, (CObj*)state->callFrame[i].closure); } // mark all open upvalues for (CObjUpval *upvalue = state->openUpvalues; upvalue != NULL; upvalue = upvalue->next) { markObject(state, (CObj*)upvalue); } markTable(state, &state->globals); // mark all internal strings for (int i = 0; i < ISTRING_MAX; i++) markObject(state, (CObj*)state->iStrings[i]); // mark our proto object markObject(state, (CObj*)state->protoObj); traceGrays(state); } COSMO_API void cosmoM_collectGarbage(CState *state) { #ifdef GC_DEBUG printf("-- GC start\n"); size_t start = state->allocatedBytes; #endif cosmoM_freezeGC(state); // we don't want a recursive garbage collection event! markRoots(state); tableRemoveWhite(state, &state->strings); // make sure we aren't referencing any strings that are about to be free'd // now finally, free all the unmarked objects sweep(state); // set our next GC event cosmoM_updateThreshhold(state); cosmoM_unfreezeGC(state); #ifdef GC_DEBUG printf("-- GC end, reclaimed %ld bytes (started at %ld, ended at %ld), next garbage collection scheduled at %ld bytes\n", start - state->allocatedBytes, start, state->allocatedBytes, state->nextGC); getchar(); // pauses execution #endif } COSMO_API void cosmoM_updateThreshhold(CState *state) { state->nextGC = state->allocatedBytes * HEAP_GROW_FACTOR; }