Minor VM refactor, added cosmoV_pcall()

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CPunch 2021-01-04 16:04:38 -06:00
parent 4e968529dc
commit 752bd533e9
1 changed files with 108 additions and 75 deletions

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@ -138,19 +138,29 @@ void cosmoV_concat(CState *state, int vals) {
int cosmoV_execute(CState *state);
bool invokeMethod(CState* state, CObjObject *obj, CValue func, int args, int nresults, int offset);
static inline bool callCFunction(CState *state, CosmoCFunction cfunc, int args, int nresults, int offset) {
calls a native C Function with # args on the stack, nresults are pushed onto the stack upon return.
false: state paniced during C Function, stack is preserved so that the error is left on the stack
true: state->top is moved to base + offset + nresults, with nresults pushed onto the stack from base + offset
static bool callCFunction(CState *state, CosmoCFunction cfunc, int args, int nresults, int offset) {
StkPtr savedBase = cosmoV_getTop(state, args);
cosmoM_freezeGC(state); // we don't want a GC event during c api because we don't actually trust the user to know how to evade the GC
// we don't want a GC event during c api because we don't actually trust the user to know how to evade the GC
int nres = cfunc(state, args, savedBase + 1);
// if the state paniced during the c function, return false and leave the stack preserved (so the error string is left)
// if the state paniced during the c function, return false and leave the stack preserved (so the error is left on the stack)
if (state->panic)
return false;
if (nres > nresults) // caller function wasn't expecting this many return values, cap it
// caller function wasn't expecting this many return values, cap it
if (nres > nresults)
nres = nresults;
// remember where the return values are
@ -169,7 +179,14 @@ static inline bool callCFunction(CState *state, CosmoCFunction cfunc, int args,
return true;
static inline bool call(CState *state, CObjClosure *closure, int args, int nresults, int offset) {
calls a raw closure object with # args on the stack, nresults are pushed onto the stack upon return.
false: state paniced, stack is preserved so that the error is left on the stack
true: stack->top is moved to base + offset + nresults, with nresults pushed onto the stack from base + offset
static bool rawCall(CState *state, CObjClosure *closure, int args, int nresults, int offset) {
CObjFunction *func = closure->function;
// if the function is variadic and theres more args than parameters, push the args into a dictionary
@ -221,77 +238,101 @@ static inline bool call(CState *state, CObjClosure *closure, int args, int nresu
return true;
bool callCValue(CState *state, CValue func, int args, int nresults, int offset) {
if (GET_TYPE(func) != COSMO_TOBJ) {
cosmoV_error(state, "Cannot call non-function type %s!", cosmoV_typeStr(func));
return false;
switch (cosmoV_readObj(func)->type) {
return rawCall(state, cosmoV_readClosure(func), args, nresults, offset);
CObjMethod *method = (CObjMethod*)cosmoV_readObj(func);
return invokeMethod(state, method->obj, method->func, args, nresults, offset + 1);
case COBJ_OBJECT: { // object is being instantiated, making another object
CObjObject *protoObj = (CObjObject*)cosmoV_readObj(func);
CObjObject *newObj = cosmoO_newObject(state);
newObj->proto = protoObj;
CValue ret;
// check if they defined an initializer (we accept 0 return values)
if (cosmoO_getIString(state, protoObj, ISTRING_INIT, &ret)) {
if (!invokeMethod(state, newObj, ret, args, 0, offset + 1))
return false;
} else {
// no default initializer
cosmoV_error(state, "Expected __init() in proto, object cannot be instantiated!");
return false;
if (nresults > 0) {
cosmoV_pushValue(state, cosmoV_newObj(newObj));
// push the nils to fill up the expected return values
for (int i = 0; i < nresults - 1; i++) { // -1 since the we already pushed the important value
cosmoV_pushValue(state, cosmoV_newNil());
return callCFunction(state, cosmoV_readCFunction(func), args, nresults, offset);
cosmoV_error(state, "Cannot call non-function value %s!", cosmoV_typeStr(func));
return false;
return true;
bool invokeMethod(CState* state, CObjObject *obj, CValue func, int args, int nresults, int offset) {
// first, set the first argument to the object
StkPtr temp = cosmoV_getTop(state, args);
*temp = cosmoV_newObj(obj);
if (IS_CFUNCTION(func)) {
return callCFunction(state, cosmoV_readCFunction(func), args+1, nresults, offset);
} else if (IS_CLOSURE(func)) {
return call(state, cosmoV_readClosure(func), args+1, nresults, offset); // offset = 1 so our stack is properly reset
} else {
cosmoV_error(state, "Cannot invoke non-function type %s!", cosmoV_typeStr(func));
return false;
return callCValue(state, func, args+1, nresults, offset);
// args = # of pass parameters
// wraps cosmoV_call in a protected state, error string will be pushed onto the stack if function call failed, else return values are passed
COSMOVMRESULT cosmoV_pcall(CState *state, int args, int nresults) {
StkPtr base = cosmoV_getTop(state, args);
COSMOVMRESULT res = cosmoV_call(state, args, nresults);
if (res != COSMOVM_OK) {
// restore panic state
state->panic = false;
// error is on the stack, grab it
StkPtr err = cosmoV_getTop(state, 0);
state->top = base;
if (nresults > 0) {
cosmoV_pushValue(state, *err);
// push the nils to fill up the expected return values
for (int i = 0; i < nresults - 1; i++) { // -1 since the we already pushed the important value
cosmoV_pushValue(state, cosmoV_newNil());
return res;
calls a callable object at stack->top - args - 1, passing the # of args to the callable, and ensuring nresults are returned
COSMOVM_OK: callable object exited normally
COSMOVM_RUNTIME_ERR: an error occurred, the error will be at the top of the stack (the rest of the stack is junk)
COSMOVMRESULT cosmoV_call(CState *state, int args, int nresults) {
StkPtr val = cosmoV_getTop(state, args); // function will always be right above the args
if (GET_TYPE(*val) != COSMO_TOBJ) {
cosmoV_error(state, "Cannot call non-function type %s!", cosmoV_typeStr(*val));
switch (cosmoV_readObj(*val)->type) {
CObjClosure *closure = (CObjClosure*)cosmoV_readObj(*val);
if (!call(state, closure, args, nresults, 0))
CObjMethod *method = (CObjMethod*)cosmoV_readObj(*val);
invokeMethod(state, method->obj, method->func, args, nresults, 1);
case COBJ_OBJECT: { // object is being instantiated, making another object
CObjObject *protoObj = (CObjObject*)cosmoV_readObj(*val);
CObjObject *newObj = cosmoO_newObject(state);
newObj->proto = protoObj;
CValue ret;
// check if they defined an initializer
if (cosmoO_getIString(state, protoObj, ISTRING_INIT, &ret)) {
invokeMethod(state, newObj, ret, args, nresults, 1);
} else {
// no default initializer
cosmoV_error(state, "Expected __init() in proto, object cannot be instantiated!");
return 0;
cosmoV_pop(state); // pops the return value, it's unused
cosmoV_pushValue(state, cosmoV_newObj(newObj));
// it's a C function, so call it
CosmoCFunction cfunc = ((CObjCFunction*)cosmoV_readObj(*val))->cfunc;
if (!callCFunction(state, cfunc, args, nresults, 0))
cosmoV_error(state, "Cannot call non-function value %s!", cosmoV_typeStr(*val));
return state->panic ? COSMOVM_RUNTIME_ERR : COSMOVM_OK;
return callCValue(state, *val, args, nresults, 0) ? COSMOVM_OK : COSMOVM_RUNTIME_ERR;
static inline bool isFalsey(StkPtr val) {
@ -688,16 +729,8 @@ int cosmoV_execute(CState *state) {
cosmoT_get(&dict->tbl, *key, &val);
// call closure/cfunction
if (IS_CFUNCTION(val)) {
if (!callCFunction(state, cosmoV_readCFunction(val), args, nres, -1))
return -1;
} else if (IS_CLOSURE(val)) {
if (!call(state, cosmoV_readClosure(val), args, nres, -1))
return -1;
} else {
cosmoV_error(state, "Cannot call non-function value %s!", cosmoV_typeStr(val));
if (!callCValue(state, val, args, nres, -1))
return -1;