
242 lines
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2020-10-28 05:16:30 +00:00
#include "clex.h"
#include "cmem.h"
#include <string.h>
CReservedWord reservedWords[] = {
{TOKEN_AND, "and", 3},
{TOKEN_DO, "do", 2},
{TOKEN_ELSE, "else", 4},
{TOKEN_ELSEIF, "elseif", 6},
{TOKEN_END, "end", 3},
{TOKEN_FALSE, "false", 5},
{TOKEN_FOR, "for", 3},
{TOKEN_FUNCTION, "function", 8},
{TOKEN_IF, "if", 2},
{TOKEN_LOCAL, "local", 5},
{TOKEN_NIL, "nil", 3},
{TOKEN_NOT, "not", 3},
{TOKEN_OR, "or", 2},
{TOKEN_RETURN, "return", 6},
{TOKEN_THEN, "then", 4},
{TOKEN_TRUE, "true", 4},
{TOKEN_VAR, "var", 3},
2020-11-06 00:43:21 +00:00
{TOKEN_THIS, "this", 4},
2020-10-28 05:16:30 +00:00
{TOKEN_WHILE, "while", 5}
static CToken makeToken(CLexState *state, CTokenType type) {
CToken token;
token.type = type;
token.start = state->startChar;
token.length = state->currentChar - state->startChar; // delta between start & current
token.line = state->line;
state->lastType = type;
return token;
static CToken makeError(CLexState *state, const char *msg) {
CToken token;
token.type = TOKEN_ERROR;
token.start = (char*)msg;
token.length = strlen(msg);
token.line = state->line;
return token;
static inline bool isEnd(CLexState *state) {
return state->isEnd;
static inline bool isNumerical(char c) {
return c >= '0' && c <= '9';
static bool isAlpha(char c) {
return (c >= 'a' && c <= 'z') || (c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z') || c == '_'; // identifiers can have '_'
static bool match(CLexState *state, char expected) {
if (isEnd(state) || *state->currentChar != expected)
return false;
// it matched, so increment the currentChar and return true
return true;
char peek(CLexState *state) {
return *state->currentChar;
static char peekNext(CLexState *state) {
if (isEnd(state))
return '\0';
return state->currentChar[1];
char next(CLexState *state) {
return state->currentChar[-1];
CTokenType identifierType(CLexState *state) {
int length = state->currentChar - state->startChar;
// check against reserved word list
for (int i = 0; i < sizeof(reservedWords) / sizeof(CReservedWord); i++) {
// it matches the reserved word
if (reservedWords[i].len == length && memcmp(state->startChar, reservedWords[i].word, length) == 0)
return reservedWords[i].type;
// else, it's an identifier
void skipWhitespace(CLexState *state) {
while (true) {
char c = peek(state);
switch (c) {
case ' ':
case '\r':
case '\t':
next(state); // consume the whitespace
case '\n': // mark new line, make the main loop consume it
case '-': // consume comments
if (peekNext(state) == '-') {
// skip to next line (also let \n be consumed on the next iteration to properly handle that)
while (!isEnd(state) && peek(state) != '\n' && peek(state) != '\0') // if it's not a newline or null terminator
return; // it's a TOKEN_SLASH, let the main body handle that
default: // it's no longer whitespace, return!
CToken parseString(CLexState *state) {
while (peek(state) != '"' && !isEnd(state)) {
if (peek(state) == '\n') // strings can't stretch across lines
return makeError(state, "Unterminated string!");
next(state); // consume
if (isEnd(state))
return makeError(state, "Unterminated string!");
next(state); // consume closing quote
return makeToken(state, TOKEN_STRING);
CToken parseNumber(CLexState *state) {
// consume number
while (isNumerical(peek(state)))
if (peek(state) == '.' && isNumerical(peekNext(state))) {
next(state); // consume '.'
// consume number
while (isNumerical(peek(state)))
return makeToken(state, TOKEN_NUMBER);
CToken parseIdentifier(CLexState *state) {
// read literal
while ((isAlpha(peek(state)) || isNumerical(peek(state))) && !isEnd(state))
return makeToken(state, identifierType(state)); // is it a reserved word?
CLexState *cosmoL_newLexState(CState *cstate, const char *source) {
CLexState *state = cosmoM_xmalloc(cstate, sizeof(CLexState));
state->startChar = (char*)source;
state->currentChar = (char*)source;
state->line = 1;
state->lastLine = 0;
state->openedBraces = 0;
state->isEnd = false;
state->lastType = TOKEN_ERROR;
return state;
void cosmoL_freeLexState(CState *state, CLexState *lstate) {
cosmoM_free(state, CLexState, lstate);
CToken cosmoL_scanToken(CLexState *state) {
state->startChar = state->currentChar;
if (isEnd(state))
return makeToken(state, TOKEN_EOF);
char c = next(state);
switch (c) {
// single character tokens
case '(': state->openedBraces++; return makeToken(state, TOKEN_LEFT_PAREN);
case ')': state->openedBraces--; return makeToken(state, TOKEN_RIGHT_PAREN);
case '{': state->openedBraces++; return makeToken(state, TOKEN_LEFT_BRACE);
case '}': state->openedBraces--; return makeToken(state, TOKEN_RIGHT_BRACE);
2020-11-06 00:43:21 +00:00
case '[': state->openedBraces++; return makeToken(state, TOKEN_LEFT_BRACKET);
case ']': state->openedBraces--; return makeToken(state, TOKEN_RIGHT_BRACKET);
2020-10-28 05:16:30 +00:00
case '\0':
state->isEnd = true;
if (state->lastType == TOKEN_EOS)
return makeToken(state, TOKEN_EOF);
// fall through
case ';': return makeToken(state, TOKEN_EOS);
case ',': return makeToken(state, TOKEN_COMMA);
case '+': return makeToken(state, TOKEN_PLUS);
case '-': return makeToken(state, TOKEN_MINUS);
case '*': return makeToken(state, TOKEN_STAR);
case '/': return makeToken(state, TOKEN_SLASH);
case '\n': { // might be treated like a TOKEN_EOS
if (state->openedBraces == 0 && state->lastType != TOKEN_EOS)
return makeToken(state, TOKEN_EOS);
else // go back to the start
goto _scanTokenEnter;
// two character tokens
case '.':
return match(state, '.') ? makeToken(state, TOKEN_DOT_DOT) : makeToken(state, TOKEN_DOT);
case '!':
return match(state, '=') ? makeToken(state, TOKEN_BANG_EQUAL) : makeToken(state, TOKEN_BANG);
case '=':
return match(state, '=') ? makeToken(state, TOKEN_EQUAL_EQUAL) : makeToken(state, TOKEN_EQUAL);
case '>':
return match(state, '=') ? makeToken(state, TOKEN_GREATER_EQUAL) : makeToken(state, TOKEN_GREATER);
case '<':
return match(state, '=') ? makeToken(state, TOKEN_LESS_EQUAL) : makeToken(state, TOKEN_LESS);
// literals
case '"': return parseString(state);
if (isNumerical(c))
return parseNumber(state);
if (isAlpha(c))
return parseIdentifier(state);
return makeError(state, "Unknown symbol!");